View Full Version : funny head sensations

23-05-11, 21:13
has anyone experienced weird sensations in the head, i often get feelings of my head feeling full up and not clear and feeling sort of unsteady, also a throbby pulsy feeling makes me feel very edgy uncertain, im wondering if its muscle tension in neck etc, have had no end of odd sensations ie ectopics palpitations shaking etc any thoughts on this.

23-05-11, 21:25
I experience the exact same thing! Although im only 16, i think its just a symptom of anxiety, when i get it it keeps me from sleeping and everything its like a pounding in the head is that right? Hope this helped you, there is no need to worry x

23-05-11, 21:32
I get that, Ive been getting it alot lately, like a my temple is throbbing, plus my heads been feeling hot. Its because im stressed. Do you find it worse when your worried or stressing over something? Its a very common anxiety symptom x

23-05-11, 21:44
hi i dont think im stressing but things get locked away in your subconcious my heads throbbing at the mo have been since about 5pm have had a lot of odd sensations in the past months mum passed on 17 months ago and have had allsorts palpitations ectopics etc have 2 disabled brothers to look after so i shouldnt be suprised i guess

23-05-11, 21:59
You poor thing its alot of tension, if you clench your jaw you notice your temples move its all related. It seems like your going through alot, when the feelings come dont worry just think hey its an anxiety symptom..as you may know worrying makes it worse!

23-05-11, 22:10
Thanks for those words, im so glad that ive found this site talking to other people who get these sorts of ailments certainly helps, heres hoping we can all help each other with our problems

23-05-11, 22:32
No problem at all, I am glad too, ive only found this site recently and already its made a huge step to over coming my anxiety!