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View Full Version : Chronic hyperv or asthma?

23-05-11, 21:27
I am much better these days after years of bad health anxiety & panic attacks etc. The only thing I seem to get now is what I believe to be chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I don't get it all the time but sometimes it really bothers me so after reading about it I decided to try to get a referral to a respiratory physiotherapist.

So I saw a doctor I've never seen before & he asks me a few questions, tells me resp. physio doesn't usually help with this & that it usually has a trigger. He did a few checks which were all fine then he asks me if anyone has ever checked me for asthma & I said no. He gets me to blow in to this tube - can't remember the technical term & he said that the result was 'just OK'. I did it 3 times but tbh I'm not sure I was doing it properly. So I've got to do this at home for 2 weeks & go back.

I tick all the boxes for chronic hyperv. syndrome, I'm 48, I have no allergies, wheezing, coughing etc ( other than my 81 yr old dad who was diagnosed with asthma afew yrs ago but never seems to use his inhalor) no-one in my family has asthma, the overbreathing stops if I distract myself. I don't have general anxiety anymore, I just get anxious about the overbreathing especially in social situations but it's just anxiety about the symptoms not being out etc. So now, as well as being anxious about the overbreathing I'm anxious that it's asthma which is only going to make it worse.

Feeling really fed up, thought I was going to get some help with this at last but now feeling really upset & worried. Sorry, just need to rant to people who understand. :huh:

24-05-11, 09:05
I know where you coming from. I have had a panic disorder since the age of 15/16 and im 23 now. I have learnt to try and accept it in many ways and try and find little ways i can deal with it, BUT the one thing i cant deal with and is the bane of my life is my breathing!
I have been to the doctors so many times about my breathing just to be shrugged off type thing, because i feel they take one look at my records and see that i have a panic disorder and automaticly link it to that. In fairness i think they should at least test me to rule out any other possibilities.

Anyway, i feel that my breathing is too fast and im constantly monitoring it, i link it to ashthma because my chest is wheezy and if i have gone for a walk just up a slight hill because i have had to, then im coughin the rest of the day trying to clear m chest. It actually hurts my chest and trhoat.

Its dramatically affecting my life because i am scared to even walk fast or do anything exercise wise and im practically houseband tbh because of it. I have 3 kids also so this isnt good.

I must admit aswell when i am taking my son to nursery and picking him up and theres big crowds it winds me up and my breathing gets faster and worse, i just cant wait to get in the house, and i end up a right state!

So i do understand where you coming from 100% :)

24-05-11, 11:07

Even im suffering from cough,breathlessness since two months now. I get dry cough and my throat feel strange especially early in the morning e.g at 02.00 a.m. Im afraid to go to the Doctor. Ive delivered in September last year and Ive a small baby boy to look after and im afraid whether its asthma. I suffer from anxiety, social anxiety and pannick attacks since many years now. Ive heard that high stress can cause Asthma and thats worrrying me the most. Sometimes I feel im not able to breath properly.

25-05-11, 21:37
Thanks for replying, sorry you both suffer with breathing problems too. Appreciate the support!