View Full Version : Weak if I miss a meal...

23-05-11, 21:35
Hi everyone
I have been ever so hungry lately, and if i go abit longer then normal without meal i start to feel weak and shaky.. what could this be? I need to snack all day and have regular meals to stop feeling like it ...x

24-05-11, 01:57
It's just weakness from missing a meal, and your body needing something a bit more substantial than a sugar rush.

I'm terrible for doing this to myself. I'm self employed and work for people on both sides of the Atlantic so have no real set meal times and always find myself forgetting to eat - if you're going to bed at 5am, waking up at 11 and working 12 till 11, then the next day doing it all +\-4 hours, when exactly ARE your meal times? So this happens to me ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME.

I just tend to take a break, cook some food, have a sugary drink and relax for half an hour, then I'm right as rain. I tend to find that weak\shaky feeling is just a natural reaction to not eating a well balanced meal.

24-05-11, 06:04
Hi everyone
I have been ever so hungry lately, and if i go abit longer then normal without meal i start to feel weak and shaky.. what could this be? I need to snack all day and have regular meals to stop feeling like it ...x
It's called low blood sugar. It's not serious, so don't worry. I suffer from it myself and my symptoms are light headedness, shakiness, weakness and then I turn into a bad tempered monster if I don't get food NOW, lol.
Protien is the answer because that 'keeps you going' longer, ie: meat, eggs, cheese, nuts. I need to eat every couple of hours and snack on nuts mainly, I never go anywhere without a pack of peanut M&M's. If you're burning calories.. like walking or exercising then it can come on really quickly so it's always best to keep a snack handy. T x

24-05-11, 08:42
i had this yesterday quite badly. Skipped breakfast and only had a sandwich for lunch. By 5pm I felt dreadful.. I ate 2 bags of crisps, salt and vinegar and ready salted and I felt ok.
Salt raises the blood pressure/blood sugar.... if you're getting it regular you'd be better off having ready salted crisps in the house or something sweet. Usually does the trick.

24-05-11, 17:17
Hi somethingwitty, tish and jeanie thank you for your help :)

@somethingwitty I am like you, I don't really have set meal times. altho it is getting better.. as I am on mebverine for ibs I have to have the tablets 3 times a day 20 mins before meals. I have a breakfast at half 10, I dont have a set lunch time, its varys! but I have dinner around five!

It defiantly does sound like low blood sugar, I used to feel like this back when I was teenager, I was in a shop once, felt shaky had a lucozade and salt and vinegar crisps and i'd be fine after 10 mins. so yeah i forgot salt and vinegar helps! and also the peanut M&MS :) thank you very much for all your advice!

24-05-11, 18:40
I think there is more to it than low blood sugar. The constant high anxiety level leaves the body vulnerable to small stresses, even hunger increases stress and this is the last straw making you feel exhausted and sometimes unwell.