View Full Version : Anxiety, Stress or Depression?

23-05-11, 21:39
Hi everyone,

This is my first post on this forum (Ill pop and introduce myself properly in a while :) ) and Im a little unsure of what to say really.

I've always been an emotional person so I guess thats why I have put off seeking advise for so long as Ive always told myself that Im just being an emotional wreck!

Basically a couple of years ago I went through a very nasty relationship breakdown which resulted in my house being repossed and animals being rehomed and to rub salt into an already sore wound I got made redundant from my job at the same time. I went through the usual emotions at the time, anger,hurt more anger but on the whole thought I dealt pretty well with it all.

I moved from my home town in the Midlands,England up to the highlands of Scotland and things have been pretty much a roller coaster of a ride since, I am moving back down to my home town this sunday coming.

Some days Im fine, my usual cheery self, other days I just want to lock myself away from every human being I know and just be alone.Im having awful trouble getting to sleep at night and even I get a full nights sleep I never wake up feeling refreshed and always feel ready for nap a couple of hours after waking. Some days I find my self crying at nothing and no matter how hard I try I cant stop myself, on days like that its an impossible tak for me concentrate fully on my job, I often find myself crying in my screening room trying to "sort myself out" before my next patient arrives.

This past week has been extremely difficult, I have just been putting this down to the up and coming move back to my home town, but today I have had what I think may have been a panic attack. I was sat at work and started getting heart palpitations a racing pulse and breathless and I really did feel like I was having a nervous breakdown,the breathlessness and palpitations passed with in about 20 mins but I have been left with a strong feeling of unease all day coupled with a migraine that no amount of Rizatriptan (my usual medication that I use for my migraines) seems to be shifting.

I really would be greatful for any advise any of you have to offer.As soon as Im registered at a Doctors back home Ill be making an appointment,but just wanted to be reassured until then that Im not going crazy!

I do find it difficult to talk about these things, very difficult infact so Im sorry if this post seems a little rushed and vague,Im just really not sure what to say or how to put my feelings down properly.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

23-05-11, 22:47
Hi lucyloo83,

So sorry you have had, and are having such a rough time. It sounds like you have had a hell of a lot to deal with and it is all impacting on you now.

When I became ill years ago I was told that it doesn't just happen out of the blue, it is like a slow build up/snowball effect until we reach breaking point, and IMO it does sound very much like depression and anxiety to me that you are describing. I can relate to all of your feelings and symptoms. The crying bouts out of the blue, and the feeling that you don't want to be around people is really identifiable, and so are the sensations you describe as being a panic attack.

Please be assured that you ARE NOT going crazy, and everything you are experiencing is completely normal.

Just for the record, I think you have done a great job of descibing your feelings here, and I am sure that many, many of us here will say that we identify with all you have mentioned and we are all here if you need to offload or just have a chat about things.

Sending you love and hugs.xxxx:hugs:

24-05-11, 17:36
Debs thank you so much for your reply :D its lifted my mood a little finally speaking to somebody about how I feel, knowing that they understand. I tried speaking to a collegue at work today, but she wasnt hearing me properly and just said it was nerves about the move, yes that may be playing a part in how Im feeling right now, but its much more than that!
Its been another bad day, very teary and anxious! Kind of told myself that its going to be like that until I have made the move back down south and been to see a doctor!

25-05-11, 03:06
Hi Lucyloo

Like Debs says, sounds like depression and anxiety. Just been through this myself and I was helped a lot by medication from my GP. I am on Propranolol (beta-blocker) for physical anxiety symptoms and Sertraline for depression. The anti-depressant took a few weeks to work, but I am so much better now. Moving home is one of lifes major stressors, so added to everything you've been through it's not surprising that you are having difficulties. Get your doctors appointment sorted out as soon as possible and then you can get some proper help.

Best wishes

25-05-11, 12:33
Debs thank you so much for your reply :D its lifted my mood a little finally speaking to somebody about how I feel, knowing that they understand. I tried speaking to a collegue at work today, but she wasnt hearing me properly and just said it was nerves about the move, yes that may be playing a part in how Im feeling right now, but its much more than that!
Its been another bad day, very teary and anxious! Kind of told myself that its going to be like that until I have made the move back down south and been to see a doctor!

Hi hun,

It is so frustrating talking to aquaintances about how you are feeling, as I know from experience that so many (though they mean well) just don't understand what anxiety/depression is. I remember a friend of mine telling me 'oh yeh, I get down too' and I felt my heart sink as I knew that she really didn't grasp what depression was. Same with anxiety...it is so much more than 'nerves' and it is a sad fact that when people haven't experienced the terror of real anxiety, they just can't understand it. It isn't their fault of course, it is just one of those things. I think that is why we feel so alone when we have these things, and why this forum is so great for sharing our feelings with others who know what we are on about!

Anyway lucyloo, please know you are not alone and what you are feeling we can relate to.

Lots of love.xx:bighug1: