View Full Version : Knots.

23-05-11, 23:15
My stomach really hurts. Tonight's going to be a night of not sleeping. Waking tomorrow for work in a once again tired state, I guess I just gotta keep going. The circles under my eyes will be dull and in a bad state. Once again I am waiting in a lonely thought, thinking what will tomorrow bring?

23-05-11, 23:38
Hi I know how you feel! I have found that telling myself how lovely my bed is and how lucky I am to be able to get all snug under the duvet, helps me fall asleep.

My problem is waking up all night and struggling to get back to sleep.

I am currently trying night time Rescue Remedy. Notvsure it is working but I'll keep using.

Sleep well

23-05-11, 23:47
Yeahh i hate it. Im going to get help for all this, but im waiting till friday >< long time. xD well feels that way anyway. I love my bed, it see's enough of me but an awake me :P x