View Full Version : tight knot churning stomach while sitting in airport

24-05-11, 05:52
Am flying at 6am just sitting in departures now stomach churning / negative thinking (what if I panic on the plane etc). I always get nervous going away I hate the waiting round and once the plane doors shut my heart pounds I have been really excited all week and not even nervous but this morning woke up with stomach tight / horrible taste in throat then had to shoot the loo (which was just water) I only went the loo once but am still so nervous/panicky how can I stop this nervous stomach and why the sour taste in throat?

24-05-11, 06:21
Yeah, When I get quite anxious about something that might happen My stomach turns to mush and beans also. I wish I could set foot in a plane without near passing out. lol
Sour taste in throat, probably your stomach acids going crazy and some making it's way via smell taste etc. IDK. just a thought.

24-05-11, 08:39
Hi Honeyple
It is all the anxiety about getting on the plane
You will be fine
You will do it
Have a lovely holiday in Ibiza
Speak when you come back


25-05-11, 12:02
well i DONE IT :) fell asleep soon as we took off and woke on landing yyiipppeeee hehe having a fab time been anxious of a morning tight stomach but i will get there missing my kids but not long till i see them if that volcanic ash stays away x x

25-05-11, 12:09
don't even think about home, just enjoy the moment! it's not every day you get to go to ibiza!! super well done for sleeping on the plane, it's always the best way to handle it i find. have a great time! xx