View Full Version : brain fog? a symptom of anxiety?

24-05-11, 08:36
Most days it feels like Im trying to work through brain fog, head feels heavy and unclear, struggle to focus and concentrate, feel very tired. Wondered if this is yet another anxiety symptom?

24-05-11, 12:23
I have the same symptoms as you have mentioned.

Finding it difficult to focus on my Distant Learning course work and the lack of concentration and so on are getting me down.

24-05-11, 15:49
Yep, I have difficulty in focusing and concentrating on my course work too.


26-05-11, 12:01
Yes this is one of the worst symptoms for me. Some days I get it so bad that im convinced that i have some sort of dementia because even the easiest tasks are hard, such as typing,spelling and sometimes speaking and getting my words out. My doctor says its just a result of a tired mind from over analysing everything which people like us who suffer from anxiety tend to do even with realising. The brain fog is even worse if i am tired so I try to get as much sleep as possible when Im going through a bad patch.

26-05-11, 13:01
I agree its a horrible symptom as it can stop you from concentrating, focusing, and tasks seem hard to do. I find myself very forgetful as well.....

29-05-11, 18:18
i just feel like my brain doesnt work properly at times at all! i forget loads of things, dont hear people properly, get confused and feel really stupid

01-06-11, 19:54
i have same this atm and ive had it for 2 weeks stright it hasnt went away at all i feel so weird,,spaceyness.or mabe the feeling as so one drugged me ,,,,its so scaerey and i want it to go away ...i also have a heavy head..tc

02-06-11, 14:50
I get this too, sometimes I forget what Im saying and say the wrong thing. Or I get my daughters names mixed up, you often feel a bit stupid and frustrated. I think when you are suffering from anxiety there is a tendancy to analysing everything and worrying about everying and your brain becomes over-worked and tired.
