View Full Version : Hi, new here but not to anxiety - my story

24-05-11, 10:22
Hi i have suffered with anxiety, panic attacks for about the last six years, i think each time has lasted about six months and then i am okay for a bit.

the first time i ever had a panic attack i was in a shop and i didn't know what was happening to me. i went to the doctor, had bloods done and i had 'speed' in my system. i had been spiked.

the second time my husband was badly beaten up and my anxiety started again and i became agraphobic and couldn't go out of my house for two months. the next time we were living with in laws and i was really stressed and i started having thoughts about hurting my husband which really distressed me. i couldn't tell anybody and saw a pyscotherapist.

i then became pregnant and was fine throughout the pregnancy. a couple of months after my son turned one i had a thought that i was going to hurt my son. i cannot tell you how i felt, a fear of dread went through me and i was devastated. the doctor said i had pnd and i saw a councillor but i still couldn't tell him the thought i had as i was too scared.

i got better then became pregnant again, again i was fine throughout the pregnancy but when my son was 7 months old last october i could feel the anxoiusness starting again, although i had also been stressed due to a family member trying to commit suicide and a long drawn out house sale. this time i have been having health anxiety and just a general feeling of anxiousness and a few panic attacks. i have never been able to talk to anybody about my thoughts or feelings. when i told my mum i had been told i had pnd she said 'oh right' and never asked me about it but that is just the way she is.

i am reluctant to take meds so would really like to hear from anybody who has experienced anything similar to me - like the anxiety producing different feelings, thoughts each time? or just anybody wanting to chat, thanks, :-)

24-05-11, 10:26
Hi railway

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes