View Full Version : Is this really anxiety

24-05-11, 10:59
can some one please tell me how they feel andthink with anxiety as i feel so alone and questioning if i have anxiety like my gp has said as because of the way i feel and think and dont know any one else with anxietywho i can talk to tell me they feel and think the same as me so would any body on here tell me how they feel and think every day with thier anxiety as i doint want to run up to my doc again and ask him if it is anxiety ive gotcause thats what iwant to do now because i dont know any one else who can tell me how they feel so if any one onwe here can tell me it might make me feel better and understand anxiety better and i wont keep questioning it thk you

24-05-11, 17:05
I get a feeling of being 'bothered'. I don't always know why but I feel distracted, bothered, irritated, pissed off and when I feel like that I don't enjoy other peoples company. It is something like that. I usually want a logical reason why I am anxious but don't always have it, I just concentrate on the things which make me relaxed and feel better.

Maybe you need try some meditation or something to help relax you?

24-05-11, 21:19
Its complicated with me! Ranges from feeling agitated, unsettled, not being able to concentrate to feeling like I'm not really here, dizzy, being sick, upset stomach, full blown chest pains, racing heart and range of other symptoms! Just depends really!

What are you symptoms? If there are any you are particularly worried about there may someone on here who has them too!

24-05-11, 22:25
I can be manicly sad, manicly happy, overtired but carn't sleep, worried and all the while be confused. I live in two worlds parrell to each other all the time. All this happens in a day but i know i will always get through the day because i have things to do and people to care for e.t.c... but i have bad really bad spells once a month where i seriously dont care know more and want to give up. probably lasts about a week. (dont care about my spelling lol) would need to know your symptoms, am a listener and a questioner. :D

25-05-11, 15:48
hi joe thks for the replymy symtoms are as soon as i wake up im anxiuose i feel on edge my breathing goes shallow and im constly thinking about anxiety my eyes go blurry . i have a few strange symtoms aswell i tend to lean alittle forward when im anxiouse when i m either standing or walking even if in standing washing up imy legs go stiff and i lean forward and find it difficult to stand still as i feel unbalanced and today was really bad i felt i cant cope with it anymore as iwent abit funny while walking to local shop cant really explain how i went just felt weird and abit funny it only lasted a few seconds but scared me so much but i carried on to shop and back but as soon as i got home i started to cry and foned gp up to see him as i didnt know why i went like it dont know if i paniced abit over it which made my anxiety worse so just every day is a battle for me maybe i havent exepted the anxiety or dont know how too have you ever felt abit funy or wierd with your anxiety x pat

25-05-11, 22:14
Does sound very familiar. I know what you mean about feeling 'weird'. That is so true and sometimes the only way you can describe it! It is a weird feeling. Its a horrible weird feeling. But you did the right thing today, carrying on and going to the shop. Don't avoid it because it will just make it worse. Say to yourself 'It's anxiety, its uncomfortable but its ok, nothing awful is going to happen'. It takes time. But it does work if you keep saying this and carry on! Its hard work, but worth it!

26-05-11, 10:14
Yes its like everyday is a battle, wondering what the day will bring, i get a 'sick' feeling in my stomach and a tightness in my throat most days, especially when tired, stressed or worried about something.