View Full Version : Car journeys on the motorway

24-05-11, 16:42
I have been suffering panic attacks whilst driving on the motorway.
Something triggered it (but not really sure what) a few years ago, and now they're getting slightly more severe.
Often the feeling I get whilst driving along on automatic, is that I realise (I believe) I've forgotten to breathe! Then it feels like a shot of adrenalin goes straight to the heart, it feels compressed, I feel i might faint etc etc. A few times I've had to pull over across lanes of traffic onto the hard shoulder.
I realise this sounds dangerous, and am very disappointed with myself! I'm very cautious about pulling over, obviously, and have never lost control... although I'm convinced I'm going to. Have been driving, - and well, I think, for 17 years, am fit, healthy, pretty practical and pretty happy right now. Previous stress has ignited this, and I'd be interested to know if anyone relates, and has got through it...?
Thanks x

24-05-11, 16:52
Please please reply if you understand at all ..... feel this might stop me from going out in the car at all, and ultimately get the better of me

24-05-11, 17:00
hello Olive ,

if you click to your left and scroll down to personal stories .you will get Nicolas story [the fab founder of this site ] ..........and get some comfort from it that you are not alone on motorway anguish .
so horrible and I feel for you xx
sure it will help you to know you are not alone .

24-05-11, 17:55
Thank u Goose. Will try n find it x

25-05-11, 16:04
Here is my story: I am a professional mariner licensed captain and surfer and have traveled extensively in my life and am responsible for peoples lives all the time in some pretty scarey situations.
Well a year ago I had no anxiety no problems nothing then one day going to the beach in my truck I started feeling strange like I was having food poisoning or something stomach cramps, nausea, dizzy so I pulled on to a side road off the main highway stopped at a stop sign feeling as I really needed a restroom. I then proceeded after the the stop at the sign and passed out hit a light pole and a tree a policeman smacked me awake and I was in and out of consciousness for some time. Last true memory I had of the incident was in the hospital. the doctors released me after giving me some IV fluids and a potassium supplement. Doctors said it was simple syncope episode and further testing did not reveal any health problems.
I have been pretty anxious about driving ever since but it started getting pretty bad about 6 months ago. Last Christmas I had my first real bad attack while I was driving the highway going shopping in a distant town. The trigger was a bad car wreck with some dead people in the road. Normally this would not bother me but this time it really did. I was sweating profusely, feeling of doom, sick to my stomach, dizzy, feeling like I was going to die. Absolutely horrible!!!
Ever since that attack there have been many others and I cannot understand why or how it is I can stand behind the wheel of a boat with the lives of a few hundred people in my hands or paddle out in dangerous surf and not be bothered by it a bit, but cower under the table at the thought of driving 2 miles to the damn grocery store.
I have since changed my diet and life style, no sugar, no caffeine, no processed food or chemicals, meditate a lot and have taken the advice on this site which has helped a lot. When I made the diet change I was experiencing grey outs accompanying the panic attacks which were scarey but I have lost weight and am feelin good physically now.
I feel your pain this sucks I have driven 100's of 1000's of miles and now I have a problem getting the courage to drive to the store. I logically cannot figure it out. I know what my triggering thoughts of a panic attack are but cannot seem to get a handle on the possibility of passing out behind the wheel of a car again and possibly killing someone. So I continue to feel fear and anxiety when I have to drive somewhere. Any ideas on how to fix this? I just do not understand why I cannot logically fix my issues.

Peace and good luck to us all,
Capt Ron Neff

25-05-11, 16:54
Olive.....I was exactly the same. At one point I had to pull off the Motorway at every service station and had such a bad time I thought I could never do it again. However as I live motorway miles away from my family I knew I had to really. I managed the first time by saying to myself that if I felt ill/panic/anxious I would just go as far as the next exit and get off and out of the car. When I got to the next one and felt OK ish! I went on to the next and so on. I did stop a couple of extra times on a 200 mile journey, but made it and the next one was easier. Now I am, for the present, free of the awful panic and feeling of illness. I hope you will find useful help , advice and support on this site. Best thoughts X

26-05-11, 10:09
I am totally the opposite, I love driving, I find I am at my most relaxed, especially if i'm on my own, i can put whatever music on i like, relax back in my seat (not too much obviously!) and just drive...i am a good driver, i concentrate on it, but i relax and just....think....
i understand its not the same for everyone...

Granny Primark
26-05-11, 10:27
Im petrified of motorways. Noo way will I drive on one and havent been able to for a few years.
Im so petrified even if im being driven by someone else I have to sit in the back of the car and am scared if we go out the slow lane.
I wont allow my hubby to drive over 50 mile an hour.

26-05-11, 12:03
My panic started on a motorway and then transferred to road works and traffic jams.

I had CBT to help it so can find you my post about that if you want to read it?

Granny Primark
26-05-11, 12:12
Funnily enough nic, my panic started with traffic jams and then went onto motorways.
Im going on the coach to York on Sunday and already Im starting to get nervous.
Im planning to take a puzzzle book and some magazines to distract me.

Eva May
26-05-11, 21:57
Nicola, I'd like to see that post if you don't mind

26-05-11, 22:36
My post is here:
