View Full Version : Anxiety at work

24-05-11, 18:17
I like my job...really. It's quiet, it's flexible, I love what I do and can wear what I want, but the downside is I have to put up with A LOT of stupidity and administrative bull from my coworkers. There's nothing going on however that would send me into a panic spiral, yet, every day when I come in, I can feel it getting higher and higher and by midday I'm miserable. Then when I go home I mellow out, and it starts all over again the next day. I feel okay on the weekends too.

How do I figure out the perceived threat? How can I break the cycle?

24-05-11, 22:55
This sounds to me like you like your job but you don't like it. Sort of like you are somewhere in-between.

What exactly is it that you don't like? Every job will have an element of stress to it one way or the other.

25-05-11, 01:13
Hi Threnners

It sounds like you just need to figure out how to deal with your co-workers. Can you just try not to get stressed with them and act as stupid as they do sometimes? With some people if they know something winds you up they will do it even more, but if you act like you aren't bothered and laugh it off with them they'll soon get bored.

If the above isn't possible, then other options might be to find something that involves less interaction with co-workers, either moving to another post with your current employer or finding something else altogether.


26-05-11, 14:13
Oh, I'd love to ....but I'd get fired if I tried some of this stuff. :D

I think it's a control issue. I need to stop placing my expectations on other people. I'm going to delve deeper into that.

02-06-11, 02:06
hiya, i get really anxious at work even though i enjoy my work too. i think its down to being around alot of people; even though i get on with them well i feel self conscious, even if its kind of subconscious. i spend the whole time sweating and as soon as i leave i stop! i think alot of its down to my insecurities and worrying about what people think of me. even down to worrying about people noticing im worrying! this can obviously turn into a viscious circle. i wonder if thats anything you experience? x