View Full Version : Heart Anxieties (because 1000 posts isn't enough)

24-05-11, 18:24
I have recently joined this forum as it seems to be a place where one can be entirely out in the open about their worries - and rightly so, if you are like me you are re-assured by the idea that somebody else somewhere understands.

I am a 20 year old university student, I have had severe anxieties about my health since I gave up cannabis around a year or so ago, from brain tumours, to cancer, internal bleeding, etc... and now...Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
This one appears to be the worst fear to develop, partly because symptoms don't appear to be obvious and partly because the condition itself doesn't give one a time limit in which to work. Having consulted (and frankly been very honest) with my doctor, I was given an ECG, and the reassurance that this condition is very rare, and statistically, you are more likely to pass away in a car accident.

Since the ECG, I have had rather worrying chest pains in my left side, just below my nipple, the pains are unlike any others I have experienced (such as the "tightness of the chest" experienced during panic/anxiety spells or attacks). The pain has been manageable and I even took it upon myself to visit my GP again yesterday and express my concerns, given a conclusion of "muscular pain", I felt reassured, however today the pain was very painful, moreso than before, there was a distinct feeling that it was my heart, and it lasted perhaps 1 - 3 seconds, sending me into overdrive (a panic attack) straight away, I am calm now but sick of this, has anybody else felt a similar type of pain? I am talking painful here.


24-05-11, 19:07
worrying I agree

I am just going through it also at the moment. I resist the doctors as I had all the tests in 2007 and the feeling is the same. The strangest feeling is the feeling I get over my chest bone. I say over as it is definitely on top and not underneath. Its like a soreness, a tightness. I can dig my fingers in there and distract the feeling. I get shooting pains and a lot of tension and even pain between my shoulder blades.

Today I was so close to going to the Docs but I though if I went then my anxiety would rocket so I resisted and glad I did as the feelings have gone.

I try breathing through my belly as I know I need to lose a few pounds so when I am out in public I catch myself breathing in my chest while holding my belly in.

I woke at 4.30am today laid there and after a while I could feel this tightness start to raise its ugly head. I have found that I meditate about the feeling, try to bring it on and in a relaxed head space I analyse the feelings and slowly I can convince myself that it is not related to my heart. Later in the day I may get a twinge in the chest or it may come back and hey presto I am back with the doubts giving it head space again.

I really find if you have a slight belief that it is something health related then it gets worse and gain strength.

I know this is not like your pain but I hope this helps. I don't know what I would do if I got real Pain in my chest. I can only describe my situation like the volume has been turned up on my body and I feel every twinge and ache 20 times more powerfully. May be this is how you are feeling your pain??

I would assume if it was muscular that Pain killers and a hot bath should bring some kind of relief. When my father had a heart attack I asked him what it was like and I remember him saying it was like having really bad indigestion and a large elephant sat on your chest. After he returned from hospital they said he had a small heart attack. I feel like I am waiting and I agree it seems like the worse illness because its so sudden.

Hope you get better soon..


24-05-11, 19:26
Hi there, i am only 16 and this may not help reassure you but ihave that all the time. I had a ECG done at my doctors and that came up completely clear, but i still get these very bad pains in my chest. I get them when i move or breathe in and it can even awake me from sleeping. Hope this helped. best wishes x

24-05-11, 19:40

Please have faith in what your doctor has told you and also read the symptoms section on the left hand side of the web page - should help to put your mind at ease. A lot of anxiety sufferers get the sort of feelings you describe.

24-05-11, 19:57
I have had these stabbing pains in all areas of my chest and ribs over the years - they usually last a few days or up two weeks and then go. I even had the blood test to completely rule out the pain being from a heart attack . These pains are caused by the muscles and nerves in the ribs being in tension, there is a condition called costrochondriatis that gives agonising pains in either side of your breast bone that has had loads of people rushing to a&e but is totally harmless if painful.

24-05-11, 20:21
thank you everyone for your responses, all taken seriously into consideration,