View Full Version : i am so upset and scared right now. My poor little boy

24-05-11, 18:34
Today at an after school club my little boy had a collision with another child, the teacher told my husband about it, but said that he seemed ok, but he is such a little soldier he doesn't complain. when he got in, he told me that he had got some cuts and banged his head, but he couldn't remember anything about what had happened, this worried me as maybe he was knocked out for a few seconds. We decided to keep a close eye on home, but as the afternoon/evening went on he became very quiet and said he had a nasty headache. I felt that he should be checked over at and a&e and my husband agreed, my hubby is so laid back and never worries about anything, but when he seemed concerned too i think this sent me more into panic mode. I am in such a state right now, i am scared for my son and feel like a total faliure as a mother as i should be there with him, i just want to be cuddling him, and seeing for myself that he is ok but with my health i just couldn't go, if it were just the anxiety stopping me i would have been able to push myself to go to a&e but i have severe M.E i am totally bedridden, and today had been having an extra bad day, i have barely been able to move, so i feel totally helpless. He is with his dad, who is a fantastic dad, but i just can help feeling as though i am failing my children through my illness. sorry to rant, but i just needed to get my feelings out.:weep::weep::weep:

24-05-11, 19:35
Oh Katie!!!
I'm so sorry you and your family are going thru this right now!!!

You are obviously a loving Mother but you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that you can't be SuperMom and take care of everything!
I know you want to take care of everything, put every ounce of energy into caring for your child, and be a pillar of strength for your child but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way!
You have to step back, let your husband handle it, and then when they get home you can love on your little man!
Hang in there hun!
You are a GREAT Mom!!!!
No Mother can play SuperMom for very long! Even those that don't have the challenges you are faced with can't take on everything all the time!
Much love to you and your family! Prayers for strength and inner peace headed your way!!

24-05-11, 20:41
Thank-you sandy for your kind words, just had a call from my hubby, they are coming home, he has a mild concussion, and we just need to keep a close eye on him. I think i was just extra upset and scared for him as i couldn't be there with him, and couldn't see for myself that everything was ok. He was not worried about not having Mummy there as he is used to having Daddy doing everything for the last couple of years since i was struck down with M.E, both my children understand that mummy is not well and that i can't do the things i once did, but it does make me feel like a faliure as a mother, deep down i know i'm not and that i have no control over my illness and i know that i love my children dearly, they are what keep my fighting and keeps me thinking of the future WHEN i get over this cruel illness. Its just times like today that really make you extra upset about the limitations the illness has caused me. before i got m.e i was a busy mum at college 3 days a week, working 3 evenings a week, housework school runs chores etc etc. just gets me down at times:hugs: