View Full Version : I'm 16, please can someone help me with my worries

24-05-11, 19:49
Hi there, i recently posted another post about this but i didn't get as many responses as i hoped for so here goes....

I have had health anxiety now for about 4 years, it stops and starts and at times it is unbearable. Anxiety has taken over my life, stopping me from being able to see my friends, go out to places, go out for meals, holidays, everything a 16 year old would love to do! I can't.

I left school when i was 14 because of bullying and went into home schooling, this didn't really help with my friendships as me seeing them got less and less until it was almost me never seeing them. Now im at the point where i have no friends because i always cancel on them, this is due to my anxiety, i can't explain to them what health anxiety is and how much it can destroy your life, none of them would understand.

Ive started seeing a counciller, but i find its not helping me enough. Im not sure what to do, i feel like im on my own.

I hate going out into public or where anyone young can see me, i am SO self concious! I'm trying to lose weight at the moment but its not really working, anything i eat i feel the need to excercise straight after or punish myself for eating it. I am really feeling down and depressed, i always snap at my family and feel like im making everyones lives a misery. Nothing seems to be helping. Plus i have all these horrible symptoms which are ruling my life, i get scared to sleep incase i die in my sleep which makes me so weak and tierd everyday, i just dont know what to do anymore, its getting out of control.

I get chest pain, stomach pain, rib pain, pain which makes it so i can't breathe, pain when i breathe in, neck pain, headaches, dents in my head, blurry vision, dizzyness, helplessness, feeling the need to give up, head rush, pounding and fast heart for no reason, constant feeling of heart, ear ache, ear discharge, pain when passing urine, nausea, burning in throat, weak muscles, weak ankles, these are just a few of the symptoms i experience on a daily basis. This is how bad it is for me.

Please could you help me :(

24-05-11, 21:06
Hi , sorry you are suffering .

Have you seen your GP to discuss how you feel ? Are you on any meds ?

24-05-11, 21:12
I have almost all your symptoms too..i'm a 17 year old male and I can barely go to school anymore..it's horrible trust me.. do everyone a favour and go see a doctor not a check up but a physical instead and explain every symptom to the doctor write it down even and bring a list thats what im doing in july 5th..it's most likely anxiety but I rather rule out other things then get put on the meds for my anxiety...yes I know that sounds bad but it started in grade 6 and stopped for 5 years and hit be harder than ever..its my last year of highschool soon and I can't have anxiety stop me from my goals even with a crutch helping me..(meds)

God bless, we're both young I doubt it's much of concern.

24-05-11, 21:30
Thankyou for both your replys,

Believe me i have been to the doctors many many times and they never seem to check me over, just sit me down and try to tell me its all down to anxiety. I feel like they just don't care. I have been to the out of hours doctor and they gave me some tests and things like on my heart, but nothing else. :(

24-05-11, 21:34
I know what you're going threw i was in the ER two days ago from panic thinking i was having a stroke when he said it was a atypical migraine and he did 5 minutes with me and kicked me out and wrote something for a nerve doctor..it makes me feel like wasted life, but look on the bright side its more than 100% anxiety..im yet to have tests but when they come clear I have less to worry about (:

24-05-11, 21:39
Yes i suppose, thaankyou so much for your help :)

25-05-11, 20:15
Hi there, so sorry you're suffering at the moment, you should see your GP again, what about your family or friends do you chat to them about things? I find talking always helps me. I hope that you start to feel better soon, I'm sure you'll be ok even if you don't feel like it at the moment.:)

25-05-11, 20:26
Hi,,,,,my you are a young one to be suffering hunny :-( xxx I dont take meds and I will not go on that route,,,I have found amazing services throughout the NHS,,,you need to see you doc and ask for councelling etc ,,,,It makes me so sad that youngsters are suffering,,,(i did but never spooke about it until I was 30) You have a good chance of recovery hunny, you are young and you have time on your side,,,godbless and if you need any help email me,,,I Am on a long road to recovery but getting there x and you will too ,,,,with all our support xxxx