View Full Version : Anxiety/PVCs and Me

24-05-11, 19:52
Hi Everyone,

I have frequented this forum quite a lot over the last year or so, but have never signed up. Generally because I really struggle to stay on here long enough. Reading/Talking about my symptoms brings on my fight or flight and I tend to scarper quick smart before I peak and get frantic.

My name is Ben and I am a 28 year old IT consultant for a very very large corporation. I have a stressful and challenging career however I am very grateful to have the opportunities I do today.

I was a heavy drug (mainly cocaine) and alcohol user from mid-teens to early twenties - I am mentioning this because I firmly believe this is the root cause of my issues.

I have been diagnosed as depressed and with Anxiety disorder over the last 5 years. I find that ironic because I genuinely believe that without the latter, the former wouldn't exist.

One of the most serious and difficult problems I am unable to cope with are PVC's, this has created a strong health anxiety in me and no matter how much I tell myself they are harmless, they are pretty much destroying me. I feel my career may be at risk as I am having trouble functioning on a daily basis. Every time I feel good, feel better about life, feel positive, there my heart is, right on cue to bring me back down with a THUMP/FLUTTER/THUMP. Sometimes my attacks are so severe I feel weak, my heart will ectopic beat every few seconds for hours on end. I have found that having a bath helps, but this is useless when I am at work or away on business.

I need help but I don't know who to turn to, the doctor makes me feel like I am wasting his time, the hospital gave me a ECG and made me feel like I am wasting their time. I am on Propanlol but I have weened myself down to 10mg x 2 a day.

I ditched caffeine, I take magnesium tablets 150mg x 2 everyday, I also take B-Complex Vitamin, Do not and have not drunk alcohol for 2 years. I drink 3 - 4 litres of water a day plus fruit juice and decaff tea/coffee. I am paranoid about my daily allowance of fat and sugar so barely exceed that, healthy eater. I have been trying to take exercise, but anyone else on Beta-Blockers will know thats not an easy task, I feel feint and physically hammered after not a lot at all.

I DO SMOKE - I know!! I can't face giving up, I just dont have the fight in me.

Please Help!?

24-05-11, 19:54
Hi AnxiousBen

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-05-11, 20:44
hya have you had any or considered any therapy??
i have suffered more or less the same way for 3 yrs now , i also blame drug abuse (cocaine) for a degree of my anxiety even tho i wasnt addicted or have took the drug for a long time now. i do believe it played a part in my anxiety/panic attacks.
it sounds to me as if you are trying to fight the anxiety and panic and do everything you can to be healthy and avoid it.. if this is the case this in turn actually fuels it and can make it worse ... therapy can be a big help, also antidepressants can work very well... could you try going back to your dcoctor again if you dont find a particular doctor very helpful maybe you could see a different doctor? :)

24-05-11, 21:58
I agree with chanell, drugs have kickstarted your anxiety issues and fear of your pvc 's is fueling them. When you stop fearing them they will become less and less. This happened to me ,I now only get them when really sressed .Good luck:)