View Full Version : Where to go?

24-05-11, 20:38
This weekend and this week has been the worst.

Last night I came close to ending my life. There was tears and there was panic and fear between me and my girlfriend. She could get no support from the Mental Health helpline.

Today I started self harming and was overcome by a desire to harm my neighbours.

I really have no idea what is happening and feel like my life is spiralling out of control and downhill.

I don't know what has triggered this. I am scared to go out and speak to anyone.


24-05-11, 20:54
Get an emergency appointment at your local dr's office and ask to be referred immediately to your local crisis team. They are there to help with situations like this. They should come round to see you at home the same day and stay with you until something gets resolved.

If you cannot get a dr's appointment tommorrow or if there is any other delay then go to your local casualty department where they will always have a psychiatrist on call to help if you fear you are suicidal.

I wish you all the best getting through what can be a truly terrifying time.