View Full Version : Worried pretty much 24/7..

24-05-11, 20:54
Hello i'm a new comer here,

My name is Johnny and I am 17 years old suffering everyday with health anxiety and panic.

Sorry for the long post but these were mental and physical symptoms I have had lately.

I'm always worried about something just 2 days ago I went the to ER thinking im going to have a stroke or something horrible from an odd numbish feeling in my cheeks, lips, and chin area..and then I went into panic and my mom kinda thought it was another crazy episode..I waited 4 hours in the ER room after explaining my symptoms and they give you a colourd band for the concern of the symptoms green, yellow, and red..I got yellow..just what I need not knowing! so the doctor did legit 5 minute Q&A told me to follow his finger with my eyes, walk toe to toe ect all normal and he said Atypical migraine and walked out..thanks? lol.

Came back and said since of my age its not noted to have a CT scan but he wrote something down and paged a nerve doctor or something and he'll see if ill need an MRI or something (great) did I also tell the doctor will call whenever :P?..hmm..

My physical symptoms:

Numbness in facial area comes and goes (noticed I can think about it and force it on myself)

Enlarged Lymp nodes for 6 months..3 months ago doc said it was normal..(lol)

Have felt "brain fog" or something couldnt focus much (better now)

Very tired (comes and goes)

Either on and off headahces, all areas of the head (both sides) back, top, temple ect..or a slight lingering headahce to drive me insane..

Today I just got a cold (runny nose, weird throat feeling ect)

I have stopped my bodybuilding for 4 months from these symptoms (mental and physical)

(might feel abit dizzy sometimes..or zoned out?)

Mental symptoms:

always thinking the worst

scared of low cure rate illnesses..

feel i have symptoms to ALL illnesses

feel like im not in a "real" world and when my panic attack kicks in I feel its all ending.

I have many more but I can't write a book...my girlfriend has moved away long distance (6 hours away) havent seen her in a year but she's been very supportive and listening to my problems, but I dont feel depressed her being far away ect..

I just tried Rescue Remedy to calm my panic it works abit but i still get the physical symptoms on and off :/

24-05-11, 21:06
I would like to add that the numbness I can feel with my fingers and stuff (if that makes sense)

24-05-11, 21:09
Hi Johnny!
Welcome to the site.
Try reading the help pages to the left of the screen.
I have personally experienced almost all of the symptoms you described with anxiety/panic.
Did the doctor suggest anything while you are at the ER? Meds, therapy, anything at all??
If he doesn't call back in the next few days make sure you call and follow up.

24-05-11, 21:15
Thanks for your reply and no he didnt say ANYTHING for meds therapy or anything he honeslty took 5 minutes and kicked me out like I was wasting time for real illnesses..it made me feel abit good knowing he was'nt too concerned..but it did make me feel abit horrible not getting help.

24-05-11, 22:10
How long have you been a member on here for? When youve been a member for more than 5 days you can join in with the chat room, i would definately reccomened that! Lots of friendly people going through the same thing, it really helps to give you peace of mind. Also i experience every symptom you are getting, hope this helped, try not to worry as much, x

25-05-11, 06:46
Hi Johnny,
Yep, I get all of those, especially the tingling, numbness. And been itchy for a week. This forum can really help you as you begin to recognise yourself in other people's needless obsessive worrying. You are 17, turn your back on ruminations asap. And enjoy life, you can never get these early years back.

25-08-12, 21:13
I know what you mean about the doctors. I've been having panic attacks, since last October and when i eventually went to the doctors about it, they basically said i would get over it and had to deal with it, which in a way is fair enough because you do just have to deal with it, but i was like, isn't there anything you can do? :/

Maybe you still feel the physical symptoms because you're still not completely relaxed? I find relaxing my body and mind really helps. I listen to a CD at night, or whenever i'm feeling panicky. It makes me relax all my muscles and really helps me to sleep as well.

You will be fine :) x