View Full Version : affirmation :)

19-04-06, 15:30
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum, my names Amy and I'm a student in Birmingham, so first of all, hi there to everybody!

Let's see, where do I start with my moaning lol ;), I nearly lost two people very close to me in december, and in february, I had a really bad panic attack, totally convinced myself I was having a stroke, then that I had angina...I went to the doctors, who told me nothing physical was wrong, I then went to a therapist at my univerisity, and I'm still waiting for another appointment, they are very busy. The therapist told me that she thinks the events in december kicked off the panic attack, which seems to make sense.

Problem is, since that first panic attack I've had almost constant chest pains, which I only notice when I'm not distracted, and occasionally when I'm relaxed and happy, I get coarsing bolts of fear and anxiety and start shaking, dry mouth etc...all symptoms of panic attacks, and I can stop myself from freaking out as I know what it is, but it frequently causes me to lose a whole nites sleep.

I've always been a worrier, but since december it's gotten much worse, for example, once my boyfriend was an hour late home from work, and his phone wasnt on, so I assumed something terrible had happened and went totally mad...It's completely uncontrollable, and I have to call any of my friends if they're driving/getting the bus home from anywhere just to check they're ok. Sometimes I think that the panicky feelings and chest pains are only happening because I expect them to happen.

I'm in my 2nd year at uni, and I have a lot of work on at the moment which really doesn't help...I'm finding it really hard to concentrate or even care about my work at the moment, and the same with my part time job. I'm busy pretty much all the time, and I have great difficulty in finding time for myself. I don't really know what I'm looking for in posting this, maybe just confirmation that I'm not mad, as no body around me really understands what I'm going through. I keep getting angry at myself for having trouble with any of this in the first place, I've always been so level headed, I just dont get why this is happening to me...

Anyway, thank you for listening whoever reads this :)

Amy xx

19-04-06, 17:38
Dear Amy

welcome to this site! Here you are not alone, let me reassure you that there is loads of info here, all of which I am sure you will find very helpful in dealing with you anxiety and panic attacks.

Sorry to hear you are feeling low at the moment with it all, but it will get better!! Remember being at uni is so very stressful,coupled with your personel losses in December. It is no wonder overload has set in here!! You are certainly NOT going mad, although many of us feel this way. It is good that you are able to talk to a counselor at uni, do chase for another appointment and persevere I am sure the symptoms will subside in time.

Good luck and tc

Love Ruthxxxx

19-04-06, 17:39
Dear Amy

welcome to this site! Here you are not alone, let me reassure you that there is loads of info here, all of which I am sure you will find very helpful in dealing with you anxiety and panic attacks.

Sorry to hear you are feeling low at the moment with it all, but it will get better!! Remember being at uni is so very stressful,coupled with your personel losses in December. It is no wonder overload has set in here!! You are certainly NOT going mad, although many of us feel this way. It is good that you are able to talk to a counselor at uni, do chase for another appointment and persevere I am sure the symptoms will subside in time.

Good luck and tc

Love Ruthxxxx

19-04-06, 17:56
Hi Amy,

You'll find lots of support here and you are so not alone in how you are feeling.

I am a constant worrier....when I'm being rational I can see how I overreact and respond inappropriately to certain situations, but when something happens to trigger the anxiety...its like the flick of a switch and off I go. I always see the potential worst outcome sof any situation....someone at works asks to see me I think I'm being sacked, even the phone ringing sets me off if its unexpected.

Sadly I dont know how we change it...sorry. But it is good to come on here and talk.

Coni X

19-04-06, 19:24
Hi Amy
Just wanted you to know I am going through similar to you at the moment. I lost my mum to cancer earlier this year and my anxiety has gone through the roof big time. (Won't bore you with all the awful symptoms!!!!) When you have lost someone close your body reacts in all sorts of ways which is totally normal, also stress from anything effects you the same way. I have been studying at home and have been finding it really hard after loosing my mum especially because I have 2 young children. Try and tell yourself that you have gone through a terrible loss and with all the stresses involved with uni you are bound to have these physical symptoms. Please pm me if you ever want to talk. I really do know where you are coming from.
Take care Caroline

19-04-06, 19:25
Hi Amy
Just wanted you to know I am going through similar to you at the moment. I lost my mum to cancer earlier this year and my anxiety has gone through the roof big time. (Won't bore you with all the awful symptoms!!!!) When you have lost someone close your body reacts in all sorts of ways which is totally normal, also stress from anything effects you the same way. I have been studying at home and have been finding it really hard after loosing my mum especially because I have 2 young children. Try and tell yourself that you have gone through a terrible loss and with all the stresses involved with uni you are bound to have these physical symptoms. Please pm me if you ever want to talk. I really do know where you are coming from.
Take care Caroline

19-04-06, 19:28
Hi Amy
Just wanted you to know I am going through similar to you at the moment. I lost my mum to cancer earlier this year and my anxiety has gone through the roof big time. (Won't bore you with all the awful symptoms!!!!) When you have lost someone close your body reacts in all sorts of ways which is totally normal, also stress from anything effects you the same way. I have been studying at home and have been finding it really hard after loosing my mum especially because I have 2 young children. Try and tell yourself that you have gone through a terrible loss and with all the stresses involved with uni you are bound to have these physical symptoms. Please pm me if you ever want to talk. I really do know where you are coming from.
Take care Caroline

20-04-06, 16:52
hey guys,

thank you all for your kind words...it's so nice to know that i'm not alone!


amy xxx

20-04-06, 17:08
hey Amy,sorry you are having bad time at the moment.We are allhere to listen and support you.There is another person on the forum at uni having a bad time,check it out ,you two could help eah other!Caroline so sorry bout your Mom too[lol]Amy you re doing so well with the therapy ,keep it up.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore