View Full Version : suffering nearly 6 years

24-05-11, 22:49
hi there... ive been suffering now for around 6 years of what people (doctors, thearpists) are calling panic disorders and anxiety..
i suffer every day... its so hard some days..
i feel like a prisoner at home because the feelings get stronger when im away from home.... up untill january this year it has been hard to go out and do things but when i was at home i was ok... but since then something happened and now the panic attacks me while im at home in all different times like just before bed or as im eating.. it scares me because i think im going to pass out.. my vision goes blurry and im getting chronic headaches with it which makes me feel sick...
i found this site and have been reading other peoples threads and some are very similar to me but i feel that other people cant be as bad as me?? is that how everyone feels?? some feed back would be great as this is my first thread.. thanks