View Full Version : Problems with new job

24-05-11, 22:51

After reading some posts on here I decided to join as many people seem to experience what I do and was hoping someone could help me.

I have not been diagnosed with having an anxiety disorder, mainly because I have not spoken to my doctor about it who is very old fashioned and I dont know if he would understand.
I have always OCD which ranges from severe to manageable, have occasional panic attacks which used to be a lot worse, so much so I could hardly function in every day life. I worry a lot, sometimes about nothing and get horrible stomach aches when I do which i've been told is IBS.

My main question is that since being made redundant at Christmas from a job that I loved, I have been lucky enough to start 3 jobs, each that I have left on the second or third day. I get so so nervous and feel like I have way too much responsibility even though I have dealt with it before, I need constant reassurance that I am doing well which of course I wont ask for and as a result I feel like I'm doing badly and that my colleagues think i'm stupid.
I have to force myself to not drive home on my lunch break and the next morning I dont want to go back so much that I feel like throwing up. I never used to feel like this and have always happily started new jobs.

I have just had my first day at my new job today and I cannot leave this one as my boyfriend and I are moving out together, does any one have any tips to fight this overwhelming urge to not go back? I got so stressed out today, I felt really hot and sick and like my legs were going to buckle.

I'm scared to go to my doctors incase I am just turned away but I feel like I need something to help me.

If any one could advise me on help with my new job and if they think I do have an anxiety disorder that would be great.

Thanks for reading my long post!

25-05-11, 01:09
Hi there i would suggest sayinv to your self get through the first week in this time do your best to make friends with people there once you know someone etc it should calm u down a tad best of luck and think get through this week and it be the same as always another day in the office chin up

25-05-11, 01:47
Hi Lauren

Being made redundant has obviously knocked your confidence and it takes a while to build it back up. The longer you stay at the job, the easier it will become. Like Shakell above says, get through the first week and try to make a good impression with your colleagues so they will warm to you. I know about the need for reassurance thing, but I always think to myself that if they aren't constantly pulling me up on things, they're reasonably happy! Sadly employers are not usually very good at telling us we are doing fine.

As regards your doctor, is there another one you could see at the practice, or could you change to another surgery? I have had doctors like this in the past, but when I moved I changed to another surgery where they are much better at mental health treatment. You might be helped by something like beta-blockers which I take for physical anxiety symptoms (you are obviously suffering from these) and there are medications that can help with OCD too. If you can manage without GP support for this that's fine, but I find it helps to know that it's there if and when I need it.

Good luck

25-05-11, 07:16
thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it.

Second day back today! Really had to shake off the urge to not go back this morning.

Just going to try and get through it!

25-05-11, 13:09
thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it.

Second day back today! Really had to shake off the urge to not go back this morning.

Just going to try and get through it!

good for you, just do it one day at a time and it will get better, once you get back into the swing of things you will settle in and also maybe meet colleagues who you can confide in about how you feel sometimes? i returned to work at the beginning of the month after a long time away and its still early days, its still an effort to get up and go in the morning but ive found that once i get there and calm down its ok and you will start to feel the same eventually.

with regards to the doctor try chatting to him and see what he says? it might suprise you and might be more understanding than you think. its his job to listen and advise you. if you aren't satisfied with your appointment see another doctor, see as many as you want until you find someone you feel understands as this is what I have had to do, I now have a lovely doctor who doesn't judge me or make me feel silly for going.

good luck with everyone and let us know how you get on!

Kayleigh x

25-05-11, 16:15

I completely understand. I am the same, my new job scares the hell out of me, i feel like i am not good enough and will never learn everything.

I found it helps me to talk to others and make a good set of contacts, then you can ask them for help or you may even find, as i have, that you can share the fact you don't understand and they will tell you they don't either. Reaching out to other people like this has really helped me.

I also find that passing on positive feedback to others makes them feel good and in turn I feel i have helped make their day better which is a nice feeling.

Try and stick with it, we all feel like this in our new jobs, but the fact that we go back shows how much strength we have.

Good luck