View Full Version : Anybody got a bug at the moment?

24-05-11, 23:10
I'm freezing, ten layers, feel sick just developed in the past 24 hours...I had a few of these earlier in the year and last year I fear I'm becoming more prone to getting bugs..or is there just more crap going about? :ohmy:

24-05-11, 23:14
I have a cough like barking i cant shift with running nose alaso bad sides apart from that all good aparantly sinus problems as doc says

25-05-11, 00:29
Decided to go try watch a film..take a drink of juice and within seconds I'm running to the toilet with liquid diarrhea.

What's going on here? No back up at the PC panicking..:lac:

25-05-11, 04:55
In the past 24 hours I've started to feel this bug which I have had 3 times in about six months...my symptoms are diarrhea, just drinking some fizzy drink and I'm getting liquid, can't sleep, struggling to eat, feel shivering cold, tired... last time round my other symptoms were sick, extreme diarrhea. I've not got there yet but it took 3 days last time and this is my first day feeling ill again..it's 4.30am here can't sleep..now trying to drink water to see if I can keep it down..

My anxiety has worsened in the past 2 weeks..right now I really fear having these three bugs in this space of time is a sign of something awful..I'm never usually bug prone..all I can say is my mum feels ill this time, and she did last time..but I'm not the type to catch vomiting or diarrhea bugs. Usually just common colds. Really feel I'm falling apart.

(Little bit of insight into my condition) Other anxiety related worries are frequent bowel movement, incomplete which many suggested could be IBS..may check with the doc this week and chronic depersonalization..my world never feels real, my mind seems foreign..these two symptoms have been prominent in the past year where my anxiety..best days I've had is feeling 50% only felt 100% a couple of single days. Came of Diazepam restarted propranolol that I was on 2 years ago..paid for private counselling sessions..never did any good made me worse..went to the GP, more Diazepam but I managed to avoid taking any which I see is good as I coped..they referred me to the mental health team but I'd felt better a few days after so cancelled..2 months on the anxiety has hit the extreme level it did where I worried about very serious conditions from Health anxiety. I became a touch agoraphobic which I've since battled over just the odd bad day now. I first got anxiety in 2005 (I'm aged 22 now), had panic attacks, a one off Bipolar episode so the doc has never tried me on any antidepressants and I'm really keen to avoid. I started working it helped went on propranolol chest pains stopped...in 2007 I relapsed again..went to the Hospital shaking, feeling not all here no idea what I was doing just hyperly anxious..got referred back to the psychologist got some therapy where I learned breathing techniques...it never helped at first but they said I was better..felt the benefit months on was working..for one year anxiety free other than disturbing OCD thoughts..i was off all meds including propranolol feeling fine, no worries about going out just OCD)..then that second driving test triggered off a worse episode of anxiety..to this day refuse to accept it was just anxiety in my head I never liked or something..or I'm really ill now..

Where do I go for here? Not keen in going back asking for a referral because I had been coping better, if the doctor could diagnose IBS I may worry less about the bowels..In general I feel very stressed about life..I gave up driving lessons after another two gos, lost my job a few months back, stuck in that's made me worse..felt depressed..plus feeling like this has made it worse usually I feel tension every day, run down and fatigued. I feel I'll never get what I want in life..feel 22 is old ect..felt that since hitting 20.

But my post was first about the bug..can anybody give me any advice..am I dying? Is there hope with the symptoms I've had anxiety wise past year of feeling better? I fear it will be very hard work..:weep:

25-05-11, 07:10
Hi Phil

If you look at some other posts you will find that there is a nasty gastric bug doing the rounds. Both me and the wife have it and now the kids have started. We started with a griping stomach and really bad gas both ends (Yak) feeling cold and then hot, sneezes, the list goes on....


It does seem a strange one and more so for this time of year.

I can reassure you that you are not dying. Generally if you have had a cold of=r virus your immunity has taken a hit and so you catch the next variant and the next....it does seem like you are just ill for quite some time. I usually get one after the other and then never see any bugs for quite some time.

The depersonalization is the most strange symptom of anxiety. I get it from time to time it seems to last about 10 - 30 mins and I agree you feel like you are not in your body. I sometimes wonder if I have been involved in an accident and that in actual fact I am not hear but then my movie mind plays tricks with me. When I forget about this it goes until I have time to myself again later in the day.

The worse thing that can happen is that you get fear of fear as this is cyclic and needs some work to break the habit.

Have you tried Acceptance and mindful meditation. With time you will have some tools to be able to go in to a calm place whenever the need arises and I find this is so important.

Take Care Mate
