View Full Version : Breathing probs when stomach full?

25-05-11, 02:14
Hi all

Not felt too anxious for a while so yay!!

But....................2nite I've eaten lots of ice cream omg and am trying to lose weight:shrug::shrug::shrug: stomach feels full and I feel like I can't breathe properly!

Anyone else get this when feeling tummy full?:blush::blush:


25-05-11, 07:29
Oh Yes Els

So Badly, Sometimes I feel like I am 3 months pregnant but I know I cant cause I am a boy. LOL. I think it seems worse with certain types of food. I find the best cure, but not easy to see through, is to eat very small amounts often. I currently have five meals a day, small ones though. Half a sandwich and some orange juice. Followed by the other half 2 hours after. This works for me. I cant go out and eat a big meal any more. I turned Veggie as meat was making me feel really bloated.

Sadly its all symptoms of Anxiety which interestingly keep us worrying and keeps the anxiety high for us.


27-05-11, 00:53
Wow Mee, I didn't know you are a boy LOL!

Thanks for replying. Not long after I posted I kinda burped for England and that eased the breathing probs, Oh boy!!

I will have to try eating less but more meals. I'm not a big eater though, except I luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv my ice cream:blush::blush::blush::blush: LOL
