View Full Version : Wind - stabbing in left side:( Anyone?

25-05-11, 05:56
I've had bad ibs and trapped wind under left rib for a week now.

I've just been woken up by a sharp stabbing pain which went as quick as it hit, just under left breast.

I've had this on and off all week, it goes round into my left shoulder too.

I've seen 3 gps as I've been so upset by it. I've been examined and told it's just ibs and wind yet I'm still worried:/

Has anyone else ever had wind like this? Or had it last so long?

I know worry doesn't help it, but it's been daily for 9 days now and I'm starting to get fed up of it, Aswell as concerned;/ I'm also hardly eating, probably due to worry.

25-05-11, 16:46
I have had that on and off for about 3 years!

Pain in right side under ribs, sometimes a very aggressive stabbing pain, other times a constant dull pain. It moves to my left side, my right shoulder at the back and often in my lower stomach.

For me it is simply IBS, as the Doctor diagnosed. If I avoid "trigger" foods it is way better. For me, gassy drinks and coffee are bad for it but it does vary from person to person apparently.

If you have seen Doctors about it, then concentrate on what you eat, not cut out eating altogether, that will make it worse since you will get more gassy. Also, try to avoid large meals, that always triggers it for me.

So don't worry about it. It will pass. It may return but next time you will know what it is and that helps a lot.