View Full Version : need help dealing with tests

25-05-11, 08:05
My dad has to go for some blood tests and of course me being me I am convinced it;s gonna show all forms of cancer :weep: im worryin so much im crying about it and Im having nightmares of the dr telling him they suspect its cancer :weep: His blood test is friday and the dr said if its anything urgent they will call...

well its my number they have on file so everytime that phone rings I'll be a jibbering wreck..... I KNOW he'll be called back in to the surgery because he hasnt been for 4 years, so obviously something will show up (he has thick blood and didnt take his meds)
Even if its something minor, until I hear it for myself I will be having panic attacks.. how can I cope? :weep: I dont think I can...

Ive lost nearly all my family....

25-05-11, 10:50
I understand how hard this is for you Jeanine. I hope all goes well for your Dad.
I had a full blood count done last year and I hadnt had one done for 11 years before that and everything checked out good. I was really anxious about it too because of the time gap . I know its difficult not to worry but stay strong, lots of support on here for you.

25-05-11, 11:30
Thank you Zee and Im so glad things worked out for you.

My dads having the ''General'' blood test... what does this mean anyway????? :( I know I cant control the results but that doesnt stop us worrying. Was your FBC done for a specific reason. The dr claims they're testing my dads blood to see if hes suited to stronger blood pressure pills, but Im positive they've never done this before. :weep: xx

25-05-11, 15:24
The FBC is a general test Jeanine.They did mine because the GP wanted to rule out Thyroid problems but also I hadnt seen the GP for 11 years and they just wanted an update. I think you will find details of the test on this site under medical tests heading which will give you a clearer picture of whats covered.
Its basically a very common test to do which gives an overall health picture.

25-05-11, 15:40
Hi Jeanine25,

Sorry you are feeling so anxious about your Dad's test.

An FBC covers the following - red blood cell count, white blood cell count, platelets count, haemoglobin. It is a very general test and it just checks someones overall health.

Please believe me when I say it is VERY, VERY common, and I am certain that if they were worried about more serious things as far as your Dad's health, the blood tests would be far more complex.

It just sounds like they are being thorough before they change the meds for your Dad's blood pressure. I think what they may be looking at in particular is your Dad's platelet levels, as platelets are responsible for the clotting mechanism of the blood (if you say that your Dad has thick blood).

They probably are only checking because your Dad has missed his meds, and as a precaution so please try not to worry too much.xxxxx:hugs: