View Full Version : Day 5 HELP

25-05-11, 08:23
Hi guys

can any one please help me i just started back on setraline 25mg im on day 5 and i didnt realise such a low dosage could make u feel so terrible my anxiety is sky high, all night i have been jumping out my sleep, hardly slept a wink last night! should i stick at it or stop taking it ? :mad: i just dont now what to do anymore anyone now if these side affects will go and how long it will take !

Thanks Guys
x x x

25-05-11, 16:59
Hi Lourah

I am on Sertraline and yes, it does often make you feel worse before you feel better. The side effects I had lasted for about four weeks and I felt much better after five weeks. Everyone is different and some people get better quicker and some take longer. Some have bad side effects and others none at all. I had increased anxiety, insomnia, diahrhoea and general stomach problems as well as losing my appetite. All I can say is it is worth sticking it out if you can. I felt it wasn't going to help me at all and I wasn't happy that it had made me feel worse, but when it did start to work I felt so much better. I am now functioning relatively normally which I certainly wasn't before I started on the medication.

There's a group of us on the forum who are all in the same boat with Sertraline. You can find our posts on Medications-Sertraline. If you are ever on need of support regarding Sertraline it is a good place to put your posts on as we all know what you are going through and everyone on there is really helpful.

Stick with it if you can Lourah. It is usually worth it in the end. :)
