View Full Version : New hear and could do with some advice

25-05-11, 09:40

I'm new to all this...
Fist of all a bit about me I'm an single mum of a lovely 10 year old i work part time.
I have not been doing so well for a while. At the start of the year i had a anxiety attack. I was sat watching tv. I felt like i could not swallow and started to panic, felling lightheading chest tight felling sick, feeling like i would pass out. It look a while for me to carm down and get over what had happen. I just pushed it to the back of my mind and got on with things. But then it happend again on the way to work on the bus and called my mum and she talked me round but i have never really moved on from what happend allways feeling like my throat tight making myself swallow just to check.
A few weeks ago things got worse. I was having luch at work and had not been feeling well for a few days thinking i was getting a cold. Then i had this feeling that i was going to faint my heart started bagging away so i got up and left the room and was sick i got worse very quick felling very cold but had sweat running off me work sent me home and i just slepted for 2 days straight. Went to the doctors and had some blood test done and he sugested that i had a virus. But for days I felt so bad couldn't get out of bed. when my test came back it comfumed that i had a virus and also that low iron levels and was put on iron pills.
But the doctor said that he felt that i had anxiety probblems and that they only way i could get over that was facing things full on by going back to work and using the bus and making sure that didn't just sit in the house and do nothing. I didn't agree that I had anxiety. And went back to work for the last few days i have felt good but yesterday and this morning i have found really hard everytime i do something i think what happends if i have a anxiety attack and everyone sees? My body is full of worry i'm worrying about everything i work up last night full of panic and i have no idea why, my breathing is all over the place. I'm a mess i came in from the school run and just bust into tears i just feel like i have lost control, I'm back at work tomoz maybe I'm worrying about that. Me and my son are going on out fisrt holiday on our own on monday and I'm worrying that I will panic on the train that we can't go because of me or that i will have a atack when we are doing something and will spoil the holiday for him.

After re reading my post i'm sorry that i have gone on really i have no one to talk to hear. Maybe i just needed to let it all out.
I think what I'm looking for is a bit of advice on how to get this under contol, I can't let this beat me as the only person that will suffer is my son and i am all he has.

Thanks for taking to time to read my long long rant of a post.

paula lynne
25-05-11, 09:48
Welcome to the forum, great to have you with us. At the moment, you are really gripped by this, weve all been there. You need to know that it wont harm you. Stress usually brings on the first occurance of panic...is there anyway you could cut down on stress levels. Read up about what is happening to your body during an attack (left hand column), and use some lavender on your wrists. Learn to re-breathe into a paper bag to address the carbon dioxide/oxygen imbalance that occurs during panic.

Ive got some info for you that I will send via PM, some of it may help even though its about agoraphobia. Ive got a 10 year old, so I know how you worry....
Dont give up, you are not going crazy, you are not alone, and you can recover.
Nice to know you, Paula x:welcome:

25-05-11, 10:28
hya , take some comfort in knowing that u are not on your own in this, alot of people feel much the same way i remeber my first panic attack nearly 3 yrs ago and have suffered since but you learn to cope with how to deal with them alot better, once you get an understanding of how the panic effects your body and learn it is not dangerous that removes alot of fear from another attack in turn reducing them and reducing the severity of them...i have had some therapy recently (still have a long way to go!) but it is helping maybe you should go back to the doctors and explain everything you have written on here as there is help out there in the form of counselling/medication... xxxxx

25-05-11, 12:52
hello there :welcome:

like everyone else has said you are not alone in how you feel. its just a case of trying to come to terms with whats going on which is difficult. I have been having panic attacks and anxiety for about 6 months now and i am still at the stage of thinking its more than that and thinking they can and will harm me, would love to be able to believe i will be ok and not be scared anymore but its still early days i guess.

This website is a good place to start, there is always someone on here to have a chat with and the articles are good to read.

Kayleigh x