View Full Version : Increased anxiety after 4 weeks

25-05-11, 16:24
Hello all

I started taking Citalopram 6 weeks ago and after about 3 weeks (and every side effect in the book) I started to feel better.

But in week 5 I started to get some symptoms of anxiety again, particularly restlessness, feeling jittery/trembling and extreme fatigue. The restlessness drives me insane!

My doctor increased my dose from 20mg to 30mg on Monday, but I'm not really seeing any improvement yet.

I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem whilst starting to take Citalopram?

Thank you

Hayls x

25-05-11, 16:36

Certainly I have been like that from the initial dosage and then subsequent rises in the dose. My other half rarely appreciated me kicking her whilst we were trying to get to sleep.

The good news is that once your body adjusts totally these effects will subside!

If in doubt when you go to get your review speak to the doc about your concerns ref: increasing the dose :)

02-06-11, 16:37
Thanks Murph :)

I've found the side effects have subsided, but my anxiety has not...could this mean I need a further increase?


04-06-11, 12:55
Let more time pass, the first 3 months can be very up and down, then you start to get more good days than bad. After 4 months the bad days are getting fewer and farther apart.

24-06-11, 14:03
Thanks Mohc :)

I'm just into my third month now so hopefully in a month or so things will start to level out. I wasn't sure if the anxiety returning was normal or not, but I do feel reassured now :)
