View Full Version : newbie - anxiety please help

25-05-11, 16:53
Hi everyone im michelle and im 25. Found this forum whilst trying to find information and other people with the same experiences. This is all new to me and im a bit overwhelmed. Ive always been a worrier and think I felt anxiety creeping up on me about a year ago. Was nothing bad just got a bit down some days but coped fine until a couple of weeks ago.

I have a medical condition which requires me to have regular treatment in hospital and at home which I have done all my life so no problems. 2 weeks ago I started on my regular course of iv anti biotics and had a horrible reaction to it where i coudnt breathe and went blue. They kept me in after to keep an eye on me and then was planning on going home as i usually do to continue the course at home. This didnt happen as I found myself getting so anxious when having my medication that I ended up staying in for 11 nights. I am a bit confused as to the difference between anxiety/anxiety attacks/panic attacks. I was feeling like I couldnt breathe and faint as I was worried I was having another reaction. I was then told this was panic not allergic reaction and dealt with it by doing breathing excercises when I felt it coming on.

This was all well and good as my problems were only when due my medication as I had a good reason to be anxious after what happened. But even though I am at home on no medication anymore the anxiety has not subsided. Worse I have ever felt. On edge all the time, heart racing feeling dizzy. It wont go away. I dont now what to do. It isnt helped by the fact that im meant to be going to egypt next friday and am so worried about having these problems on the plane or having a miserable time as I feel so ill all the time. Just dont know what to do. Will I ever feel better? How can one thing (which I now dont worry about as its over) make me feel so bad all the time. Sorry for the long post. Michelle.

25-05-11, 16:54
Hi michelle_w

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
25-05-11, 18:52
Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum, youre not alone. Nice to have you with us, youll get loads of advice and support here.......:welcome:

26-05-11, 11:28
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the forum :) I've only been registered here a day myself.

I'm 24 and suffer with anxiety too, it got worse for me about 6 months ago with dizziness, palpitations and shaking pretty much every day. I couldn't relax, I was restless, couldn't sleep...it drove me insane.

Eventually I had a panic attack, I couldn't breathe, had severe chest pains, tingling hands and face. I thought there was something seriously wrong. The chest pain was so bad, I cried!

This led to depression and it got to the point where it actually made me miss out on a holiday myself in April.

I'm no expert on this, but a few things I've tried so far:

-I saw my doctor and was prescribed Citalopram.
-I've got a couple of books out of the library on anxiety, I am just reading bits of them to get a feel for which one I find most helpful.
-I'm looking for a specialist in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to see if that helps.
-I'm also looking into trying hypnotherapy.

There's plenty of information on these forums about it, it has been really useful to me so far, so have a good look round and maybe start to try a few things out.

All the best Michelle

Hayls :)

26-05-11, 12:37
Thank u for the replies it helps so much just knowing u are not alone. I dont know where to go from here at the moment. As I havnt actually seen a doctor specifically for anxiety. At the moment I feel I just need to make a decision about my holiday first as that alone is stressing me out more. Do I cancel? Will I lose all my money? Or do I face it and go and get on with it. It's all come on so fast I'm just lost at the moment.

I am just worried about having an attack on the plane. But a holiday would most likely do me good! I'm not sleeping either. Few hours at night at best. Exhausted.

26-05-11, 13:00
Hey michelle

I can emphasize with what you are going through totally. I recently had a panic attack when i was with my friends enjoying a night out. Before this i had been out in months because i suffer social anxiety so i tend to avoid going places where i know will have big crowds. I am now even more worried being out because i dont want to put the pressure on my friends to look after me if i have another attack. I have decided though if i keep thinking about it then i will cause myself to stress more which could set off another attack.. So i say go on your holiday because it will help relax you to have time doing something you want to enjoy. Try not to think about having a panic attack and im sure you will be fine. Book an appointment with your doctor just before you go to get advice on medication which could help relax you. I am currently taking betablockers everyday but i'm not too sure if the doctor will prescribe you with them straightaway. Private mesage me if you would like to talk



26-05-11, 13:41
I agree with Zoe, I think perhaps you should go to see your doctor and explain how concerned you are about your holiday and having anxiety attacks whilst away.

I was supposed to go to Holland for 4 days with friends in April. One minute I was thinking "you should go, have fun, it might take your mind off things" and the next I was thinking "I can't face this, what if I have a panic attack?" I got so worked up the day before that I decided not to go, I was a wreck.

I spent the four days at home, trying my best to relax, talking to my other friends, doing some light exercise and spending plenty of time out in the sun with my family. Who is to say how I would have felt if I had gone, but I know that the quiet weekend did make me feel better.

This is just my experience, like Zoe says, it could really help you relax. I hope you find the answer and are happy with your decision, I know how hard it was for me to decide too!

Hayls :)

28-05-11, 18:46
I think I am going to cancel my holiday as the stress it's causing me is unreal. Feel like I am letting myself down but so worried about being far from home with all this anxiety. I have never felt so awful in my life. Been to the doctors and they are referring me for cbt but it could take months. Feel really depressed they prescribed me citralopam with the intention of only starting it if I need it. I really didn't want to but feel awful but scared if it making me feel worse first. I know I am doing this to myself but can feel myself slipping further down. My family don't understand make me feel like I an being stupid nit able to make decision etc. Said I have nothing to worry about so should be ok.

28-05-11, 19:39
I think I am going to cancel my holiday as the stress it's causing me is unreal. Feel like I am letting myself down but so worried about being far from home with all this anxiety. I have never felt so awful in my life. Been to the doctors and they are referring me for cbt but it could take months. Feel really depressed they prescribed me citralopam with the intention of only starting it if I need it. I really didn't want to but feel awful but scared if it making me feel worse first. I know I am doing this to myself but can feel myself slipping further down. My family don't understand make me feel like I an being stupid nit able to make decision etc. Said I have nothing to worry about so should be ok.

Hi michelle, i'm new here too (as of today) i'm so sorry to hear your feeling like this. i can totally sympathise with you. I'v had constant anxiety for the past 3wks now and its making me ill. It started off as worry over a horrific panic attack i had out the blue a few weeks ago, and now my anxiety/panic is out of controle?! its awful!... 4 days ago my GP put me on Citalopram too, which i was scared of taking at first but im desprate now! Let me know how you get on with your meds... and i hope you get your hoiday situation sorted too...

(sorry iv only just joined and im already rambling on!)

29-05-11, 00:25
I've suffered from anxiety for most of my life. Occasionally this gets worse (I've had panic attacks in the past).
Seems a lot of us going through a bad phase at the present time.
You need to take the stress off yourself - if the holiday is making you too anxious just promise yourself you can take a holiday when you feel better, and see it as taking care of yourself if you cancel.
Medication is only a short term solution. You need someone understanding and supportive to talk out your anxieties with - but don't be encouraged to spent £££'s with a therapist - a lot of them will just rip you off! A good partner or supportive friend is just as good. However I would encourage you to keep your life as normal as possible and do exercise that you enjoy, relax and get out in the fresh air - swimming, walking, reading a good book.
Give yourself time..let time pass, and stay as positive as possible.
You are not alone:hugs:

Merewyn xx

paula lynne
29-05-11, 13:11
Hi Merewyn, what a gorgeous name! Sounds Welsh.......x

29-05-11, 15:29
I agree with Merewyn

if you are getting yourself all stressed and anxious before you go on holiday then how are you going to feel when your actually there? i think rewarding yourself with a well earned holiday that you will enjoy once you are feeling better is a great idea and gives you something positive to work towards.

Kayleigh x

29-05-11, 23:09
Paula Lynne - Thanks! Merewyn is Welsh, but I'm not. I'm from Cumbria!

24-06-11, 13:50
Hi Michelle :)

How are you getting on now? Did you go away?

Hope you're ok

24-06-11, 15:44
Hi Michelle

Welcome - sounds like you had a mare at hospital which has triggered your anxiety. You obviously had a very genuine reason to become anxious and I can only imagine that what you are suffering from now is some sort of post traumatic stress relating to your reaction. Do you think some of the drug they gave you is still in your system and you could just be feeling anxious as it wears off? Not sure how long these things last myself!

It's a shame about your holiday. Are you sure you want to cancel? You still have a whole week to see how you feel. Are you going with family or friends? The change of scenery may be enough to help lift you out of the anxiety cycle.

With regard to CBT it does help and I got a book from the library too so may be worth doing if you're on the waiting list. Also just take this time to relax as much as you can and don't put yourself under any pressure at all. Your body and mind have had a shock and you probably just need time to process what happened. Look at the experience in a positive way in that you are fine now (apart from the anxiety) and that the hospital did the right thing and kept you in and that you wouldn't have been discharged if they didn't think you were ok.

Maybe speak to your GP or specialist (if you have one) as they may be able to give you something like Propranalol which will take the edge off your anxiety until you have the CBT.