View Full Version : I feel terrible!

Two heads
19-04-06, 18:33
I feel terrible today.Ihave just had a panick attack frist one in weeks.I have been upset over the last 24hrs over something and just feel so horrible.I was bending down to see to my little girl and i got aterrible chest pain when i moved,i keep thinking its something wrong with my heart[touchwood}.I have been breathing wrong again since my stress yestaday and i really feel horrid,Help!

19-04-06, 18:46
bong the only way i can help is by telling you that i am going through the same s**ty day and many days before. i have the really bad chest pain that i cannot seem to overcome my fear off. i too breath wrong all the time

if you know you are breathing wrong then it could be that this is why the chest pain has come. have you ever read up on the hyperventilation syndrom?


19-04-06, 18:50
You need to be doing exercise to relieve the chest pain - it will really help doing some stretches etc.

The heart muscle is tense so needs some exercise like any other muscle.


Two heads
19-04-06, 19:16
Thanks jackie and Nicola!Its just so horrid this feeling sometimes of no control.What sort of exercise would you recommend?Is it the anxiety that makes the heart muscle tense,only i keep worrying that stress from anxiety will make me have heart problems.Im so scared at the moment.I was feeling better but i seem to have gone totaly back to square one.
I dont remember jackie reading anything on hyperventilation of late.How can breathing wrong make our chests so tense.
Im sorry to hear you are feeling so c...ap still jackie.I no what you mean about the fear,its like something trying to take over our minds.xx

19-04-06, 19:44
Read this post about it ...

Notes from No Panic Conference on Panic Disorder (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4190)

You need to be stretching your arms behind your back to expand the chest. Yoga is also very good as well.


Two heads
19-04-06, 20:36
Thanks Nicola that was great!I tryed to print it but my computer will not let me.And i will try the exercise ,anything to stop me feeling so bad.

I have been put on the waiting list for yoga at my local sports centre,it should start may 10 th thankgod , i will try anything to calm me.I used to be so calm and never had these stupid problems,now they are really getting to me.I just want to be my old self,something has just gone up there over night!xxx

19-04-06, 21:17
the book that was reccomended to me by lisa is called the hyperventilation syndrom by dinah bradley. it makes great sense and one of the first symptoms it mentions with overbreathing is chest pain. i too fear the effects of this worry on my heart will be too much so you are not alone there. i hope our fears are wrong


19-04-06, 23:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">only i keep worrying that stress from anxiety will make me have heart problems.Im so scared at the moment.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Bong - 19 April 2006 : 19:16:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I used to worry about this too, anxiety probably doesn't help the heart much. I'm sure that exercise helps though, as said the heart is a muscle which needs to be used.

Two heads
20-04-06, 11:52
Thanks Jackie and Dave!I will see if i can get it at the book shop at the weekend jackie.
I read in the link that Nicola sent that anxiety could make the heart stronger,Read the link its reassureing.Im going to try the exercise as well.I seem to be really worrying about it and is hard to get out of my head at present!I think even my sister is fed up with me at the moment,she said she caut be doing with me when my heads like this.
Im thinking about going to agroup that i have found with the help of a few lovely soul on this forum.xx

20-04-06, 12:32
I've had chest pains, from random ones where it hurts to breathe in that feel like needles or ripping muscles, to hot piercing ones that come and go and are unnafected by how far I breate in, all my life.

They were on my left side, although a little further out than the heart is. Where were yours?

20-04-06, 15:54
hi all ,i've got the hurting when breathing at the moment as tho my muscles are bruised!ooh is there no end to symptoms????i dont exercise either as if my heart pounds[as it should!]i panic and get chest pain and tightness,but some days i can walk a hill and am fine!So itis stress and yes we should exercise i've heard ti chi is very good,and if i wasn't so scard of going i 'd go!!!????love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Two heads
20-04-06, 18:17
HiAll!Thanks for your replys.Its great to no im notgoing mad just yet.We really do all seem to suffer with this chest pain stuff when will i feel me again.
Never heard of ti chi mary-rose that sounds interesting.
I known what you mean boy about the piercing ones that come on all of asudden!I have a stinging sensation sometimes like someone is pinching me from the insde and its very sudden and really scares me.I think and hope its just anerve.Im going to see a cardio next thursday,am alittle scared about that!Im glad we can all moan together.xxxx