View Full Version : Constant nausea and dizzyness

26-05-11, 00:33
Hi all,

I'm new to the site but first and foremost want to say how much the site has already helped me in my first few hours having a browse round. Thanks :) I hope everyones getting thru their fears/worries/panic.

I just wondered, iv been feeling sick all the time recently, particularly in a morning and late at night (done a test before anyone thinks that and nope, negative!) - is this a symptom of anxiety? The whole anxiety/stress thing is pretty new to me, started about 2 years ago when I moved house to a different location with my partner for first time, away from friends and family and in unfamiliar place. But when I was diagnosed, nausea wasn't one of my symptoms, mre panic attacks, dizzyness, feeling weak and faint, cloudy head, constant fear something bad was going to happen, negative scary thoughts etc. Anyway this all passed after a brief course of cbt and self help techniques and i began to really enjoy the new place. Just as I got settled circumstances changed and we've moved back to our original place with all family and friends around. Since the wheels were set in motion to retrn this sickness/worrying has come back on. Could it just be change? Wil I deal with it? Think I'm making it worse by worrying il have a repeat scenario or my anxiety issues last time and they scared me alot.

Anyway, sorry to bore u all, I guess I'm looking for that reassurance u all seem so breather giving, and any answers on sickness being a true symptom? Just a bit scared and don't want to have to put my loving partner, family and friends through it all again.

Lou xxx

14-06-11, 19:18

I've been having nausea/dizziness for the last few weeks too.
I associate it with my panic disorder but go see your doctor, just in case.

14-06-11, 19:24
I suffer also with feeling sick, for me its worse in the mornings..., its definately anxiety related for me! As the day goes on and i get distracted it passes...

Hope that offers you some reassurance! and that your move goes well :flowers: xx