View Full Version : sleep/stop breathing?

26-05-11, 00:54
hi everyone i have a question. past week as i have been crossing over into sleep i stop breathing..this has happend to me before in the past been having bad anxiety lately as well...can this be from anxiety im tired about reading on sleep apnea its depressing and scary.

26-05-11, 13:00
hya , have you been to the doctors and had any advice from them?? i have had sum episodes like this b4 which were quite frightening but i dont no if it is just the anxiety playing tricks on me :( i wake gasping and sumtimes choking on my saliva, i try not to let it worry me as my body would not let me just stop breathing in my sleep... try to take some comfort in this hun :) x

26-05-11, 16:25
heya thanks for the reply...no i have not, the doctors isnt really an option for me right now no health insurance and the doctor bills are incredibly expensive....how about this for weird...ok so the whole day this was on my mind kept googling it and junk.. and i lay down at about 11pm. and every time i feel like im about to cross over to sleep it happends..this went on for prob 15 times...how weird is that..

26-05-11, 20:56
ya welcome.. yes it does sound strange wat sorta of things were you googling/ wat do u think it is?? u no i do this as well i google everything and end up scaring myself half to death! ha ha..
it sounds to me as if it is anxiety related but it could also be sumthing else.. do u have any other symptoms that go with the feelin of not been able to breathe.. i only ask because i have suffered sleep paralysis in the past and this creates similar feelings in itself ( google sleep paralysis if you havent heard of it before) .... xx