View Full Version : work is too stressful

26-05-11, 02:04
Hi All

I just need to share! I have had a couple of really good days, now it's 2am and i have woken in a panic. I can't stop dwelling on work issues. Its alwys the same, i waste too much time and energy on silly little things that never happen and aren't important. Why do i do this to myself? I wish i cold stop and refocus on what is important. All the important stuff in my life is good, but my mind takes me back to a silly spreadsheet or email or conversation.

I have a really stressful senior role and I keep asking myself if I still want it. I studied and worked hard to get a good job and now I have it I don't know if I want it. I know I should be glad but I just don't know, i kind of feel like I want to "get off the wheel" for a while. Maybe that is just temporary.

Sorry for ramblings and I know in compared to others my worries are not serious, but they still cause me so much heartache.

Anyne else feel the same?

26-05-11, 08:43
I am exactly the same. I've been off sick from my job as a medical secretary for four months now, but previously I used to fret about every little thing that happened at work. I would wake up at 3am having a panic attack, running a conversation or situation over and over in my head. It's really hard to stop it even though you know it won't make anything better.

I worked my way up to my role by doing college qualifications, but now I have my job, I wish a lot of the time that I'd just stuck with something stress free. I sometimes feel quite ashamed because I know I have the brain and ability to do my job, but it just seems to make my anxiety sky high at times. I've come to a point where I don't think my job is worth the risk to my health anymore so I'm considering a step back down.

I know exactly how frustrating it can be. You're definitely not alone.

Laura x

26-05-11, 15:28
Hi Shadowgirl & Laura

Unfortunately most jobs these days involve a certain amount of stress whatever you do. Even the most routine posts often has stressful targets to meet. With high unemployment and increasing job insecurity added to the mix it's not a great time in the workplace. Lower paid jobs aren't necessarily any less stressful either. Some employers seem to want the earth even on the National Minimum Wage.

If you can identify a post that you know will be less stressful for you then it is worth thinking about a change. But you have to take into account there may be different stresses in a new post, as well as a cut in salary and a loss of status. It's a tough decision. I have stuck at jobs I've found very stressful before and also changed them when I think I have found something more suitable. If you stick with it you just have to try and manage the stress as best as you can. I know exactly what you mean when you worry about work things in your spare time. I have taken some things to do at home before (unpaid) to help reduce anxiety at work if I know it will make my life easier. A holiday or just a break may help sometimes, but it can be very hard going back afterwards. I find talking about the situation with friends or even colleagues helps. If you are in a position to delegate any duties, that is a help as well. Medication can also be of help, but is probably better for just getting you through a bad patch and not something you would really want long term.

Best of luck to you whatever you decide. I know how hard it is.


Lion King
26-05-11, 17:58
Hi there,

I tried to stick it out in my last job as a site manager whilst suffering anixiety and stress, I had 4 months on the sick to recover. I came back in better frame of mind and did really well.

Take a break and re-evaluate your goals is my advice, don't get bogged down!

All the Best

LK x

26-05-11, 21:05
Hi all

Thanks for your replies its nice to know its not just me! I think you are right, every job is stressful in its own way. I also think that if i wasn't worried about my stressful job I would be worried about smething else (like money). Perhaps it is just in me to worry. I just have to get better at putting things into perspective. That's a tough one though hey!

I am now havig 4 days off (extra day added to bank hol weekend) so hoping that is going to help!

Trying to focus on all the lovely things in my life rather than work (again easier said than done!)

Thank you

27-05-11, 02:07
Hi Shadowgirl,
I tried starting several replies, but I truly have nothing to say that I think will help with work-related stress. Just know that there are people out there that support you and want to see you succeed.
But of luck enjoying your time off and I hope it gets better.

Lion King
27-05-11, 20:44
All the best shadow girl, have a good rest and switch off from work!

27-05-11, 20:54
Hi shadowgirl,

I really feel for you as I've been in your situation too.

I do agree that most jobs have some stress attached, but I think there is a big difference between basically enjoying your job and managing the stress level, and being in a job where you are miserable and the stress is making you ill.

I had to make a choice last year to resign from my job as I had been feeling the stress for years which was compounded by just not being happy anymore doing what I was doing. It culminated in a big panic attack on shift where I passed out.

Most people have to work to live, of course that is true. At the point though that work starts HINDERING our ability to live with our health and sanity, hard decisions have to be made.

I am broke, job searching without much luck, having to draw JSA but I can honestly say that - though I miss the practice of nursing - I do not miss the fact it was making me unwell and am much happier for moving away from it.

I hope things improve for you and have a good break.xxx