View Full Version : My mom said I look Jaundiced and now I am really scared, what could this be?

26-05-11, 05:50
Okay, so I am 14 years old and I just ended my period. I have been super tired while on my period, but that usually happens. I also have regular allergies but that happens every year. Today my mom said that I look really pale but yellow, so I look really jaundiced. I am really worried now though, could my period cause me to look jaundiced from lack of iron? I am so scared that something is wrong with my liver! Advice please? I am super worried.

26-05-11, 11:52
Hi Haruka,

Are you sure that you are not just pale and not yellow? Do your eyes appear yellow too? The reason I ask is you say you have just finished your period, and I wondered if perhaps you are a little anaemic after the blood loss, plus you say you are super tired which may indicate low Hb.

You won't look yellow through standard anaemia, just very pale and washed out. Jaundice is about high levels of bilirubin in the blood which has no relation to standard anaemia, only to a very rare version of it. There are other very simple reasons why your skin can have a yellow tinge. One of them is vitamin B12 deficiency. Do you have a good diet?

Please try not to panic if you can. If you are concerned I would go see your GP just to get checked out. They can do a full blood count for you just to check things out.

Take care and hugs.xxx:hugs: