View Full Version : Sudden Adult Death- Someone Please help me!! :(

26-05-11, 11:33
I've posted on here a few times about Sudden Adult Death(SADS) and peoples replies have reassured me but then something will happen and I will start to panic about it again. :(
I've been to the Doctors and had an ecg done and blood tests which I was told were fine except for Sinus Tachycardia due to being nervous during the test. Two doctors listened to my heart and my blood pressure and both said it was fine. I have no family history of people just dropping dead from a heart conditon and no one in my family has died from SADS. When listening to my heart, the beat is regular and strong and I've only passed out once which was due to being too hot. I sometimes get cheat pains and can feel my heart beating but I think this is down to anxiety.
However I can still convience myself that I have a heart condition that will cause me to drop dead at any time!! I don't want to keep going back to the doctors as I got the all clear but then I panic that the doctors could be making it up and just telling me anything!! :(
I just don't know what to do. I want to stop worrying about Sudden Adult Death and look forward to my future but I can't.
Has anyone else had this fear? How common is this SADS?

26-05-11, 11:57
I do feel for you but can you not see that you are wasting a precious life worrying about something that is highly unlikely to ever effect you or anyone you know?

Did you read the website I sent you in a previous post. Maybe it would be good to join a website and forum that specialises in SADS as they will be able to reassure you a lot more than us I feel.

I am not pushing you away just trying to direct you to more specific help.

26-05-11, 13:03
Try and put it in perspective - you could be really miserable as you are having no worthwhile quality of life because you are constantly worrying about dropping dead and wasting your life as you say and then get run over by a bus so to speak. What a waste. We might all drop dead its a risk for every living thing on the planet but you have to choose whether you want a horrible miserable life waiting to drop dead or enjoy yourself while you are living and breathing. I am not being horrible honest but like nicola trying to get you to realise what you are doing to yourself.

You have done the right thing in getting yourself checked out, its not as if you have any symptoms of a heart problem and I think if you read enought you will find that most victims of sads have an underlying heart problem that WOULD have been picked up if they had ever had an ecg so the fact you have had one just about rules that out.

I am really really trying to help you change your mind set here for your good but realise that this might sound as if I am telling you off but I am not I am trying to be cruel to be kind if you know what I mean.

26-05-11, 14:10
Thanks for both of your replies. I understood what you are both trying to say. I have good days and bad days when the worry comes back to me. I've had all the tests which would have surely picked up these conditions havent I?
So I need to just remember that I suppose.