View Full Version : New to NMP

26-05-11, 11:35
Hey people

My name is Zoe. I suffer from an anxiety and depressive disorder. I was diagnosed nearly 2 years ago but i have always known there was something different about my life than other people i know. I always like to help other people so i have never really considered about what i may be doing wrong for myself which could be increasing the anxiety. At the moment i am really struggling with social anxiety. I find it so hard to meet new people, esp people of the same sex. I stop myself going out with the friends i have because i am worried that something will happen when i am out with them. Has anyone got any advice they can give me about overcoming the fear of meeting people. Thanks

26-05-11, 11:37
Hi 5zizi5

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-05-11, 20:18
Hi Zoe

I'm new to the site too, but it has been very friendly so far :). There's loads of great advice, and it's good to read posts from other members and think "That's how I feel!", or to post yourself and have replies from people who understand what you're feeling. I'm glad I found my way here!

26-05-11, 21:01
Thank you for the message MandyGM.

I agree. I have joined a couple of sites like this. My problem is i find it hard to stick at things so hopefully i will keep coming back. I like your picture lol

Vanilla Sky
26-05-11, 21:24
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x