View Full Version : not coping today

26-05-11, 13:34
please im feeling so bad today....its just hit me really hard...my health anxiety that is.....im not able to function at all now been crying all day i can only describe what i feel as blind terror...amstruggling even to type this. my mind is filled with horrible thoughts ....i feelgod is punishing me... im not going to be here much longer thats what i feel...every bonein my body hurts i cnt think straight anymore...fear is crippling me...please is anyone on line who canhelp me i just dont know what to do....thank you

26-05-11, 14:10
I really feel for you, I am not coping either, it sucks doesn't it. I don't know if you are on any meds, but mine are making me not cope, I am between a rock and a hard place and think if the meds are making me that bad, they cant be good, but having a look on this site it seems they take awhile to settle in. I had planned a day of cleaning, but just cant seem to do it, my get up and go has gone and plain left me lol I hope you feel better as the day goes on, I try to do a little task every day, no matter how small, even if its just washing a few cups up or washing the bathroom, little steps is what you need. Roll on the day when I can clean the whole house in one day!! Big hugs, take care x

26-05-11, 15:28
thanks carol for taking the time to reply and help. i have so much i was supposed to do today and have done nothing...just cant! i.m trying to get myself together for my 20 yr old son coming home from work..he musnt se me like this itupsets him somuch.....its like everything is going wrong for me at the one time...going through a very bad time financially as well which makes me more stressed.which brings on all my bad thoughts and fears...vicious circle! ...each time i feel like this i think this is it....but this is the worst ive ever felt ..im so frightened i think im not going to get back from this one. have you ever felt like this? i just feel so scared and alone. god bless you and thanks.

26-05-11, 15:52
i also want to ask does anyone else feel like they are being punished? things are notgoing well for me just now and i percieve this as a sign...doesnt makemuch sense i know...but thats the way my brain works..i alsohave ocd...mostly intrusive thoughts...just cant shake these feelings of doom and hopelessness of..god bless all who suffer from this x

26-05-11, 16:14

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