View Full Version : fear of living alone

26-05-11, 14:56
Hi, my name is Julie. I have been struggling with anxiety and depression since the breakup of my marriage nearly a year ago. Have been off work and spend hours in bed, can't see the point of getting up some days. Have no appetite and feel weak and low. On mirtazipine and quateipine but still find everyday so hard to get through. I want my ex back but he has moved on. Have two grown up sons who hate seeing me like this-suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, only relief feels when i am asleep.

26-05-11, 15:01
Hi julie2701

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-05-11, 17:03
Hi Julie a year is no time at all when a long term relationship has come toan end. I've found things don't look as bad when you're in good company, best of all when you know that you're not expected to just pull yourself togerther and get on with it.

wishing you good things

26-05-11, 18:10
Hi. I feel the same at the moment. I am struggling with panic attacks and anxiety and I also live alone. I am so scared of these feelings and I don't feel like I'm functioning well at all. Every task is a struggle and I feel like curling up in bed and staying there. I can't offer you much advice I'm afraid but I just want you to know you are not alone. (((HUGS))) :flowers:

Vanilla Sky
26-05-11, 21:25
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Deepest Blue
26-05-11, 21:41
Hi Julie, welcome to the forum.

I completely understand where you are coming from as I live alone and it's been a while that I've lived alone it's frightening me because I never imagined it could happen especially being my greatest fear too and it's happened so I am having a very hard time dealing with it.

Take Care of yourself.

27-05-11, 00:00
Its tough being on your own and even tougher when you have anxiety and/or depression issues. I think it is helpful if you can meet up with friends or get out to interest groups or classes if you are able, just so you aren't on your own all the time. Always remember things can and do get better. There is hope. I always thought I'd be on my own permanently (I think everyone else did too), but I did eventually settle down with someone special.
