View Full Version : Anxiety, then breaking down in tears

26-05-11, 17:10
was feeling okay earlier, just a bit low, I was expecting the doctor and as I was waiting for him, my anxiety started increasing. He's a lovely doctor, I have known him for years and hes very kind and caring and I'm never normally anxious about seeing him. I don't know if it was the waiting, as I hate waiting. I was seeing him about my medication I've not long started, pregabalin and citalipram, and to see if the pregabalin should be increased as I am only taking 100mg daily, anyway he increased it to 150mg daily with a view to another increase in two weeks. I then washed my hair, which normally gets me trembling, did deep breathing to try and calm down then broke down uncontrollably in tears, although I always seem to hold it back. I just feel so despairing that I have no control over this and want my life back and some strength' As I have low self esteem I feel guilty about this and feel I should be able to do something about it, which I know only makes me feel worse. Its so cruel and so hard for a non sufferer to begin to understand i.e my husband, which makes it so hard.

Thank you for being here x

26-05-11, 17:30
I'm sorry you are having a tough day. Anxiety is horrible, but you can get better. I don't have any advice or answers, I'm trying to get there myself. You are not alone:hugs:

26-05-11, 17:40
Thank you Kirsty, I have been far worse than this during the last year, but had thought I was getting a lot better, at one point I couldnt do anything at all, just shake like mad and such a terror in my stomach, but all that had calmed down, although I still need my comfort blanket over me lying on the sofa, trembling after doing something and hardly able to get out!! It is horrible and I dont have any answers either, I hope you find them and get there. And thanks, we are not alone on here x

26-05-11, 17:42
Hi Sue,

As Kirsty said, you are not alone in feeling this way. I have had set backs with my anxiety several times over the years, and every time it knocks me for six, but the thing that helps is knowing that you WILL get better from it. The thing that gives me hope each time my anxiety kicks in is that I have experienced the same scary, debilitating feelings before and I got well from them. I am not saying,and would never say to anyone with anxiety, that you will never feel that way again (I'm proof of that) but what I would say is anxiety has peaks and troughs, and for every bad time with it, YOU WILL have good times again as well.

I can totally relate to the doctor thing. I hate visiting my GP as like you, I hate waiting as I can go there feeling fine having mentally prepared myself, but while I am waiting my mind starts overworking and I get panicky. It would be so great just to walk straight in and get on with it, but sadly that just never happens!

Another thing that is tricky for you right now, and most of us have experienced it, is side effects and getting used to the meds, which rises your anxiety before you start to feel better, but YOU WILL feel better, just hang in there if you can.

Big hug to you.xxx:hugs:

26-05-11, 18:14
These posts are helpful. I too am suffering with anxiety but don't know if the meds are causing me to feel worse. Been on prozac for 12 weeks and they've just upped it to 40mg. I shake a lot and have terrible headaches-like I HAVE TO PRESS DOWN ON MY HEAD ALL THE TIME?Anyone else had this? Will the 40mg make me feel more jittery?

jaded jean
27-05-11, 05:59
Hi there
I am going throu my worst trough of anxiety to the point of having obsessive thought s nausea and not wanting to go to work and above all waiting for the mother of all Panic Attacks to happen.
I have been on citalopram for 18 months now and it has been good- no real panic until now-but I think its my work situation which is the main contributory factor here. We are going thru big changes at work and me being part time had spare days - I am a warden by the way so I was asked to help out cover other areas and this entailed driving miles and miles and eventually I started feeling I was not coping. I am crying nearly every day as I feel so scared that I wont be able to do the job. I do hope you feel better soon Suec. I know from experience that it wont last forever=but while you are there its awful. my thoughts are with you xx

28-05-11, 12:04
Thank you all for your kind replies, its an awful thing isn't it, its the loss of being independent and capable, the loss of control. I have had many periods of it before, but never as bad as this one over the past year which has really terrified me. I had not been able to do anything, not even go on the laptop, I developed a phobia of it, well, of everything really including driving. Thank you again, there are very nice people on this site, I'm very glad I joined, it's a pity we all have to suffer as we do, Sue x