View Full Version : Hello

26-05-11, 22:07
Hi I am Alison & have been suffering with anxiety for about 5 years on and off. I now seem to have a lot of Health Anxiety & I have a phobia of vomiting as well.

I am currently on tablets for heartburn/acid reflux & have been for the last 3 months. I still suffer on & off with it & I presume it's my anxiety that makes it worse. It makes me feel so miserable & upset some days.

I do work full time but sometimes it can be a struggle to get through the day but I just put on a big smile & carry on.

I find it hard to eat out & go on holiday due to my phobia & anxiety. I feel so alone at times & I look at people on the street or in work & think I wish I could be normal like them as I used to be.

I have been for CBT & it has helped & I do feel better than I did a few months ago.

I just wanted to speak to people who understand what i am going through.

Thanks for reading this.

26-05-11, 22:08
Hi Alison0801

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Deepest Blue
26-05-11, 22:11
Hi Alison, welcome to the forum, I hope you will find it useful and helpful.

Take Care.

26-05-11, 23:54
Hi Allison:

I'm pretty new to this site too. I understand what you're saying - I look at people on the streets and think to myself 'why do I feel the way I do - why can't I be like them and do normal things'. I've been struggling with anxiety on and off for about 10 years, more so lately now that I'm peri-menopausal and hormones are out of whack.

I'm going to start CBT in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping it will help me. I'm not one to take medication, so I'm trying the therapy approach first.

This site is helpful when reading posts from others who are going through the same things we are. I've found lots of encouragement on this site.

Take care :hugs:


27-05-11, 01:07
Hi Alison

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you'll find the site very useful and helpful.

Are you sure that the other people on the street aren't saying the same thing about you? They might look 'normal' but probably have lots of problems, as most people do.

Well done on carrying on your full time job, it's great that you can do that:yesyes:

Don't do yourself down, you seem to be handling it very well.


27-05-11, 07:11
Thank you all for your kind words of support. It's nice to know we are all in this together to help each other. Some days I just want to stay in bed & bury my head under the covers but I always manage to get up & get on. It's not easy but I think sometimes it helps to carry on if you can.