View Full Version : Ladies Help, late period???

26-05-11, 22:36
Dear ladies
I am after some advice and help, I am 41 and up until this month have always been pretty regular with periods, sometimes a bit early but never late.
But this month its about 3 weeks late. I know I am very stressed at the mo, had an awful month with one thing and another but would this actually make me late?
I am getting very paranoid that something is wrong? I feel bloated and am constipated, have taken a pregnancy test which is negative, not had any sex since last period.
is this the start of irregular periods, is it normal, could it mean something horrible is going on?
if anyone as suffered similar please get in touch.
thanks x

26-05-11, 22:49
You are the perfect age for the perimenopause to hit and with me it started with missing periods. I have had about every variation under the sun from going 3 months no period to bleeding for 10 weeks! I am now 49 yrs old and it has been an interesting 5 years for me!

Sensible to rule out pregnancy of course and if you are still period free after 3 months then you could ask your Dr for an ultrasound scan just to make sure all is well down there just for your peace of mind but would not be surprised if you do have a period in next few weeks and it could be very heavy so be prepared but don't panic.