View Full Version : Advice please - The weekend

20-04-06, 09:27
Hi all, hope everyone is okay.

I need some advice please, peolple who have read my previous posts will understand why this is a big problem for me.

i have got to go out for a close friends leaving do on saturday and there is a very big chance that my ex is going to be there as he also knows her and when we were together we both said that we would go. I cant stop thinking about it (i hate the morinings lol) im excited because im going out for a good night with my old school friends but then i also think im excited because he is going to be there, i dont want to be excited because he is going to be there, i dont want to pay any attanetion to him, i just want these feelings/ thoughts to go away.

Sorry for rambling on but any advice to the weekend would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Jo x x

Blue Child
20-04-06, 12:59
Hiya Jo,
Just go and concentrate on your old school friends. Yes, your ex may be there...and we all know that those situations can be so difficult...but it's about your close friends too. Concentrate on happy memories that you have made with them. Do any of these friends know about the situation with you and your ex? If not, are you close enough to confide in one of them...and maybe one could be supportive of you and help you through the evening? Could you take a female friend who you are close to along and would the rest of the group mind? At the end of the day you deserve a really nice evening out and don't let him spoil it for you. You can have a great time...but think about setting in place some supportive plans before you go and it will be fun. I hope I've been of some help...just thought I'd pass on to you what had gone through my mind.

Blue Child xx

21-04-06, 14:24
Thank you Blue Child,

Ive have just spoken to my friend and told her that i will be coming on my own and she said not to worry, she also said she has asked my ex and his brother if they are coming but they havent responded, so i dont know wheher hes going to be there or not, i know his friends are going to be there but i still get on well with 2 of them so that should be ok.
They dont really know the situatio with the ex and to be honest i dont think theyre bothered, which is good.

So wish me luck as it is tomorrow night and i am dreading it lol

Thanks again

Jo x

21-04-06, 15:51
Hi Joanne

You go and have a great time with your friends :D

I wish you luck :D

Take care

21-04-06, 16:06
Thanks spice,

Ill defnatly try to.

Take care

Jo x x