View Full Version : weird sertraline side effect?

26-05-11, 23:52
okay so ive been on sertraline before but came off them as i didnt like taking them, however today i wanted to take them again as my anxiety is really bad, however tonight coming back from my boyfriends i saw what i thought was someone crossibg the road i didnt see a person it looked like a shadow however i ignored it, got home and whilst i was putting on a dvd i noticed something black scuttle across like a spider out of the corner of my eye, is this common? im so scared theres something wrong with my brain or im going insane! i dont think ill sleep tonight either im so scared

27-05-11, 03:17

27-05-11, 08:30
I had these last summer when I was suffering with migraine which then tipped over into anxiety. I had blurry vision, went to Doc who sent me to Optician who said nothing wrong at all with eyes, its all a symptom of general anxiety and low mood etc. Came out of optician and guess what, all spots and blurring disappeared. I would think its just your mind and anxiety playing with you.

Funnily enough I have had a grim migraine this week which affected my vision its gone now but I'm starting to get the anxious thoughts back and my eyes feel all blurry again at times. Bloomin anxiety..its a nasty trick playing beast. And it made me consult Dr Google too..I'm not going back to where I was in January so I'm doing best to ignore it. I had Setraline but I had it made me ill so I was changed to something else.

27-05-11, 11:25
Hi Miniholly

Like AnxiousEm says, it sounds like anxiety playing tricks. I am on Sertraline and sometimes my vision is a bit blurry. I occasionally think I've seen something move (e.g. a person going past the window) or an insect somewhere (e.g. a spider or beetle moving across the carpet) but when I look more closely can't find anything. Try not to worry about it, you'll only make yourself even more anxious. It all sounds perfectly normal to me.
