View Full Version : Mushy THANK YOU thread from me :)

27-05-11, 05:37
I had a rather challenging day today and it got me to reminiscing about my struggles and how far I've come. In 2005 when I joined NMP, I was completely housebound, heavily medicated and painfully addicted, dealing with wave after wave of panic, while trying to care for 4 children. I found NMP while searching the web for help with symptoms I was having. I read post after post and all the while I thought each person was talking about me! I had finally found people who could relate and information that gave me hope and strength.

So I read all the help pages, I searched every symptom I had and slowly I pushed myself a little at a time. At first I couldn't make it off my front porch but the sky was more beautiful then it was viewing it just through the windows of my house. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to be able to stand on my porch again and not feel like I was going to collapse or my heart would beat out of my chest! So I took another small leap and would walk around my yard, every day going farther and farther and always at the end of the day coming back to NMP for support and encouragement!
Eventually I could walk around the block, then 2, then I could go shopping and not feel the need to run out of the store! As the years progressed, I got a job and went back to school, which brings me to the reason for this post...... (that was a long intro huh??!LOL)

I would NEVER have accomplished any of those things without No More Panic! This site saved me from myself! It broke me out of my shell and gave me the confidence to take on anxiety! I could NEVER have made it through without all the great people who replied to my posts and spoke with me in chat and Messenger!
You sent me hugs when I was down, celebrated my successes, and had words of encouragement when I didn't think I was strong enough to make it through!

I was talking to my Mom today on the phone and she said "Sandy, I really do think that site saved your life!", and it's completely true!

There are no words to express my gratitude to Nic and the site for giving my life back to me! I've witnessed Nic having health issues of her own and sneaking on here to check on everyone! She is tireless and so dedicated! There is no one that I've ever encountered in my life that I have more respect and admiration for!
Reading her posts and replies has always given me so much hope and positivity!

I will never be able to repay all the kindness and support I've received here! Thank you just doesn't begin to express how grateful I am!

I've said it before but it bares repeating, my closest and most loyal friends are ones I've never met face to face but they mean more to me than they will ever know! This site and all of you are blessings that I thank God for everyday!

Mushy post now over!!!
I feel like I should close with a dirty limerick to lighten the mood but then I'd have to ban myself soooo I won't ;)

blue moon
27-05-11, 06:11
Hi Sandy,what lovely words,you have come a long way keep up,and agree NMP wonderful site.
Love Petra xx:flowers:

27-05-11, 22:02

What a lovely post and i can totally understand where you are coming from.

You have fought the anx and agora and everything else and it is paying off, you deserve so much praise for all the fighting you have done and do.

I always remember you and lisa when i first joined here and had so much respect for you both, you have been a fab mate and a huge support in my own road to recovery.

Well done you.

Onwards and upwards mate :hugs:

di xxx

27-05-11, 22:03
Aww Sandy that nearly made me cry then

You have done so so much over the years and I for one am very proud of you.

A HUGE well done for all you have acheived. It is such a lovely story to read.:yesyes:

I only wish we could meet in person.

Thanks so much for all the hard work you do on NMP behind the scenes and how much you make us all laugh with your comments :whistles:

27-05-11, 22:04
Oh Sandy that is lovely and the exact same way i feel about the NMP community.

You have to give yourself credit too mate because without your gutsy attitude and determination, your progress could have been alot slower.

You make me laugh every time i read your posts, you have the most amazing sense of humour and i have to say you have B*LLS of steel my over the pond friend and i am proud to call you my friend.

Much love and respect


28-05-11, 12:24
Hi Sandy,

What a lovely and moving post echoing what most of us feel, so beautifully put.


eternally optimistic
28-05-11, 19:40
Great post Sandy.

28-05-11, 20:11
Hi Sandy,

what a beautiful post.

Yvonne :hugs: