View Full Version : Pins and needles, twitches and other muscle annoyances

27-05-11, 10:29
Hi all,

Over the past week I have been having some pins and needles/numbness sensations in my face (left side) as well as left and and foot. The feelings in my face aren't too bad - they come and go and are around my left cheek and temple. The hand and feet tingling are what's worrying me. My hand and foot feel cold and the tingling in my foot has got worse and bigger over the past week (to the point where my leg feels quite weak).

I have also had some vibrating feelings in my left leg (in the thigh), for a few seconds, like a vibrating phone in my pocket.

I also feel 'jerky' when I bend down (like my body isn't moving smoothy).

I also occasionally get jerking sensations when I'm falling asleep - my whole body jerks.

I have told my doctor about these and she doesn't seem concerned, but I am!

Anyone else had these symptoms and more importantly were they ok.

Thanks in advance.


27-05-11, 10:59
the tingling in your limbs is a common sign of low iron/anaemia. thats not to say thats what it is, but might be worth getting a b12 blood test to check your iron levels. it tends to feel like cold water being poured over your hands/feet with a slight pins and needles sensation, but then its also an anxiety thing. The vibrating feeling is common after coughs etc as the muscles get aggrivated. Its also something that comes with anxiety. I had it for 6 months. The jerking sensation when you fall asleep are probably just hypnic jerks. its normal and everyone does it. Its your brains way of testing a limb is ok as it gets confused as your body shuts down for sleep. Twitches are very common in everyone... its just HA sufferers are more fine-tuned to notice them.

The doc probably isnt concerned because many of these symptoms can be attributed to anxiety. x

27-05-11, 11:16
Thanks for replying Xfilme. Low iron runs in my family, so it could be that (even though I have never suffered with it to date). This started a couple of days after starting Prozac, so maybe it's that. Anyone else had a reaction like this to Prozac? I'm on day 8.

I just get frustrated because doctors don't seem to give me the time of day anymore. EVERYTHING is anxiety (which is probably true, but it's hard to believe sometimes)!

27-05-11, 22:47
i get this too but mainly in my face - had b12 test and it was normal so ive no idea either :(

28-05-11, 11:54
New symptoms this morning:

Incredibly achy shoulders and arms.
Weak arms and legs.
General shaking in my arms-I'm finding it hard to control fine hand movement and keep dropping things.

Starting to get worried that I might have some Neuro nasty...


28-05-11, 14:56
if low iron runs in your family, taking prozac further supresses your absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. this could have triggered the onset of low iron symptoms. ask for a b12 bloodtest and find out maybe x

28-05-11, 15:03
Thanks Xfilme. I may have to do that then. I didn't realise Prozac had that effect.

28-05-11, 16:03
I have had the same twitches pins and needles which even wake me up at night in my arms and hands. My hands burn and feel on fire. I have seen 2 neuros and had MRI scan because I was convinced I had something nasty but nothing showed and am being treated for M.E or chronic fatigue syndrome which I am a bit cynical about but the doctor won't send me for any more tests. I have had to cut my work down to one day only because I feel so terrible. Anxiety is terrrible. I also feel weak and shaky and clumsy and have pain in joints.

29-05-11, 19:27
Hi Patmdoyle. I'm glad your neuro's and MRI were ok. I had M.E/CFS about 10 years ago and it was very debilitating. I didn't have quite the same symptoms as you, but I was suprised at some of the symptoms I did have. I was convinced that I had something worse wrong with me, but that was over 10 years ago and I got better.

Hope you feel ok soon. Don't try and fight it.

29-05-11, 21:04
ive been getting prickly skin sensation also had muscle jerks seems like you shake off one symptom only to be replaced by another

30-05-11, 11:09
That is exactly true. I'm 8 weeks into this bought of panic and I'm still getting new symptoms. It's horrible because I then start to worry about the new symptoms, which causes even more new symptoms.

This illness is so frustrating.