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27-05-11, 11:44
Help please,
My daugher who is very dissabled has been given seroxat to try to lift her mood. I have never taken them myself,so I don't know what the after effects are. She started them yesterday and today she says she feels awful this morning.
I have looked them up on the internet and it has scared me to death what I read. Does anyone have any positive things to say about the drug?
Her Dad called with the tablets and never noticed how many grams she is taking all I know that its one a day.
Are they best taken at night or in the day?
I cannot talk to my daugher and ask her these questions properly because she will be very agressive. She will only comunicate by text on mobile.
Its all very complicated.

27-05-11, 12:20
Hi Magic .All these type of Drugs can make you feel worse before you start to feel better .That said ,it doesnt mean your daughter will have every side effect going .We all react differently .It does take 4-6 weeks to feel the full benefis and it takes time for the levels of Serotonin to adjust .All you can do is reasure her anything she is experiencing will pass .Taking the pills in the morning is what most Drs tell you ,But it may be worth taking them a night if she feels too bad .It can be a process of finding what suits best .Have a read of the Meds forum there is a sub forum on there for Seroxat ,Im sure you will get more help if you post on there .Thinking of you I can undersand your concerns ,but hopefully it will help her and then you ,in the process .:hugs:T/c Luv Sue xxxx

27-05-11, 12:20
Lots of information on our sub forum


Hope it helps


27-05-11, 13:32
Thank you Suzysue and Lisa,
have looked on the sub forum at the pros and cons of the drug.
I suppose its the same with all drugs. Just trial and error.
The main thing is to see how my daughter gets on with them as she only started taking them yesterday.
I will try to have a word with her tomorrow as we take shopping, and hopes she does'nt flare up.
Thank you once again
Take Care xx

27-05-11, 19:17
Hi Magic:)

dont know anything about the meds prescribed other than it takes time and so hope it makes your daughter feel better .

just want to say though ..............what a wonderful truly loving mother you are
yes you :hugs:............it must be hell to be faced with the hurt and aggression talking that you deal with day in day out from your daughter . but guess maybe it is because you are a safe place for her to vent ....you get it :shrug:

thinking of you and am in awe of how you cope so well . cos I know I wouldnt .

sure you will get some good responses here re tablets to guide you .
meanwhile .you matter too :bighug1:

28-05-11, 14:43
Dear Snow goose,
Thanks for what you said. I try my best. We called with shopping this morning and guess what--- I forgot to look at what strength the tablets were. I picked them up as well!!!!! I thought it best for her to take one at night,so the side effects would not be so bad in the day. a suggestion by Susie yesterday.She agreed to do that.
I asked her if she was going out with a carer today, just a simple question and the reply is not printable.My husband blew his top . I told him it did not matter---------and so the same things were said and we came out. Its the same every week. we are going to do some cleaning on Wednesday. I would like to do it on my own,but cannot manage with my own ailments. Hubby does help,but he is a bit hopeless as he has never been used to cleaning.Hopeing the tablets will help her anyway.
Lovely Snow goose. Hope you are keeping ok yourself
Lots Love xx:hugs:

10-06-11, 11:07
Hows your daughter getting on with the medication Magic ? I do hope it helps her and she isnt feeling too bad .?.:hugs:Luv Sue x

10-06-11, 15:27
Hello Suzy,
Not been to see my daughter in the week.but I will be going on Sat.
My hubby has been to see her because she has been doing some naughty things.
I cannot get her a social worker for love nor money------but there is to be a meeting at her place with two medical professionalls on Tuesday next week. In my heart of hearts I don't think anything will change for the better. We have been through all this before--------------never ending.
Thank you for your concern. I don't know how i have coped without talking about my problems with all concerned on NMP:hugs:
Lots Love

10-06-11, 16:24
Hope everything sorts its self out for you Magic. xx:bighug1:

10-06-11, 16:51
Oh Magic
so wish I could help in practical way as well as support here .

it is the measure of the lady you are that you plough on and try so hard for your daughters welfare .....and also send kind and helpful posts here .
hope so much that this meeting with health workers has a useful and good outcome for all of your family

sending large bosomy hug to you :bighug1:

13-06-11, 12:04
So sorry you are having more problems ..:hugs:I really hope you get some results ..It sounds like they expect you to do too much ,as often is the case :lac:.Good luck with the meeting tomorrow ,Im glad at least it helps to post on here ,.Thinking of you Luv Sue xx:hugs: