View Full Version : Low Carb diet effects on anxiety?

27-05-11, 12:01
Has anyone found that being on a low carb diet has increased anxiety symptoms, and does anyone know if there is any medical reports backing this up?

27-05-11, 14:18
Hi, funny you should mention this. i came off a low carb diet about 2 weeks ago as it was effecting my mood too much. there is a ton of anecdotal evidence on message boards and also a few sourced articles that suggest that low carb = low moods for some people.



since quitting i have felt much more like my normal self :)

evil monkey
27-05-11, 15:34
how many days into the low carbing are you ?

27-05-11, 17:16
Thank you for this post everyone. I have been struggling with reducing my carbs and feeling more and more anxious. Going to check those links out and read them. Thanks.

27-05-11, 18:39
I went on Atkins years ago and it put me in a horrible mood...and that was before I had GAD. As soon as I increased my carbs I felt much better.

27-05-11, 19:02
In my experience there's definitely a link between food and mood. When I'm not on form, sugar sends me into either overdrive, or skips that bit and gives me instant coma, or carbs can do the same thing, or send my heart rate sky high. My doc said something to the effect that high GI foods can make you depressed the other day too. I guess it all depends on the individual. I for one don't remain constant on it either, so sometimes the very thing that makes me feel good, will be the thing that makes me feel bad on another occasion. Caffeine usually sends anxiety rocketing, but yesterday I had a fair amount of very dark chocolate, which made me incapable of stringing a sentence together. How utterly confusing! Anyway sorry I'm probably confusing everyone here too apart from agreeing that food is very important....
