View Full Version : new to this site bad panic attacks:(

27-05-11, 13:54
hi all i used to be a very outgoing fun person i loved shopping etc i had a car crash in feb and slowly after then things started going worse i had an ambulance called to me in a shopping centre had ecg everything was normal exept my blood sugars were low now i avoid this shop after the crash i drove for a while but havent got in the car now for about 2 months i have 3 children i have to rely on my partner heavily its getting to the point where i try as much as i can to avoid going out at all im only 29 my birthdays coming up and really dont think i iwill b going out anywhere doc started me on 20mg citalopram they made me ill so put me down to 10mg started taking it last night was very sick this morning and had a mad panic attack in the car when i went with partner taking daughter to nursery i just wanted to be at home there and then i cryed ive really had enough and think will i get better what other sources can help in these sitiuations? tina :(

27-05-11, 14:35
there is help available from your GP they can refer you for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which you can read about in the left hand column. I also go to counselling which I find really helpful to talk about things. There are some self help books available and I'm sure lots of people on here can recommend any good ones for you. There are lots of things you can do so just see your GP and ask what other help is available to you.

Kayleigh x

27-05-11, 14:38
hi kayleigh thanks im awaiting counsilling and im on citalopram but i will ask about cbt ive never heard of this one before thankyou tina x

27-05-11, 14:45
thats ok happy to help, CBT is a very successful way of treating panic attacks, anxiety etc, ive only had 2 sessions so far so its early days yet. but look at the CBT info on this website and you can find out more info and see if its for you or not x

27-05-11, 14:48
ok thanks will take a look x

27-05-11, 15:06
If you go to living life to the full - http://www.llttf.com/ - you can do CBT online while waiting for an appointment.

Lisa x

27-05-11, 20:58
thank you lisa xx