View Full Version : Feeling like a loser :(

Eva May
27-05-11, 14:36
A new guy started in work recently and yesterday he start chatting to me and for some reason he was going on about all his achievements and travels. He's 5 years younger than me and it just made me feel like the most useless loser ever because I've achieved nothing and I continue to achieve nothing :( I'm just so bloody frustrated but even that frustration doesn't make me push myself so I can get out of my one horse little town and my dead end job :weep:

27-05-11, 23:22
Hi hun,

I'm with charlenemac on this. You often find that people who brag on about this and that and everything they have done or have are bigging themselves up to make themselves feel better about themselves, and more often than not, have no more than the rest of us. It also could be just a load of old cobblers too!

I know how you feel though. When our self esteem is low or we are feeling a little down about our own stuff if it is really hard not to feel knocked by other people, but please down let this get you down. You are your own person and everyone is different.

Big hug to you.xx:bighug1:

28-05-11, 10:33
A new guy started in work recently and yesterday he start chatting to me and for some reason he was going on about all his achievements and travels. He's 5 years younger than me and it just made me feel like the most useless loser ever because I've achieved nothing and I continue to achieve nothing :( I'm just so bloody frustrated but even that frustration doesn't make me push myself so I can get out of my one horse little town and my dead end job :weep:

I,m being serious here not takeing the micky .....

Could be he has taken a likeing to you , " and yesterday he start chatting to me and for some reason " .... 5 years younger i reckon he feels a little lost in his new job so is trying to boost his own confidence and chances with his tails of achievment and travels .

The reason he starting chatting to you could be he likes you , now if he is a looker your quids in :yesyes:, if he has a face like a car crash he could end up being a good friend , either way its a winner !

In my life time i can honestly say the people i,ve met who tend to brag about themselves and have to have the latest gadjet , best looking women/man on there arm etc etc are usually very unhappy people deep down and are no better off in any way shape or form than you and i !

opportunities come to us all in life hun , theres no rush your turn will come when you least expect it :bighug1:

Eva May
28-05-11, 10:58
Thanks guys. Just have this nagging feeling that I'm running out of time to do anything worthwhile and hearing stuff like that from someone younger who's already done it just depresses the hell out of me

28-05-11, 20:17
i really dont think that this person was trying to belittle you, by the sounds of it he just seems like the type thats not very tactful in the way they speak or what they chat about. Obviously i wasnt there but if he was new i dont think he would want to start off on bad footing etc.
However, whatever the situation there is no way your a loser! And yeah time maybe be precious but its not too late to do or achieve anything!
A dead end job as you put it, is better than no job, i mean just think to yourself at least your out there working, earning money and not just sat around doing nothing and been lazy type thing!
I admire that, because im not working at the moment because i just had a baby in febuary and because my anxiety is getting worse im scared that i wont even be able to go back to work!