View Full Version : Talking fast

27-05-11, 15:04
Does any one with anxiety find themselves talking too fast at times?

27-05-11, 15:19
Hey Butterfly22

I do that all the time especially if I am in situations that make me really anxious. I need to get the sentence out before I have started it. People often ask me to repeat what I am saying.

27-05-11, 15:27
hey Tinkerbell,

Yep, definately sounds familiar, its as if you cant get your sentance out quick enough, and sometimes I can end up going from one subject to another x

27-05-11, 15:36
Yeah exactly the same :) I used to be really bad at this on the phone at one point cos I hated talking to people I didnt no. I am sure they didnt catch anything I was saying lol. Its just the result of our anxiety xx

27-05-11, 18:35
aye.. same here lol

29-05-11, 16:20
Yes! I hate it. Once I was at a party and I actually managed to get a sentence out in a room full of people (no mean feat for me) and this guy was like "OH my god, you talk fast". Really helpful man, thanks. :lac:I think I do it because I want to get my sentence over and done with as quickly as possible before i mess up or draw too much attention to myself.

I actually do amatuer acting in my spare time and reading from a script has helped me to control my speed. Although maybe that's because it's much easier to speak someone else's words rather than your own.

29-05-11, 16:35
I do it all the time, apart from I'm so messed up in my head I can't talk at all, and then shut down. I think I do it because I worry that nobody is going to be bothered to hear what I say so I get it out quick before they have time to stop me! Or I also talk to fill spaces of silence which I hate! SG I used to love acting - it meant i didn't have to be 'me'!!!

Love to all, xx