View Full Version : More Progress

20-04-06, 13:16
Hi All,

I've had my appointment with my therapist this morning. I was feeling more scared this time because I was nervous and was unable to eat as much as usual for breakfast. So I felt hungry, when I'm hungry I feel shaky, weaker and find it harder to fight off the symptoms usually.

But despite this I met my therapist outside my house and she drove me to the clinic. She's working on getting me to have appointments there with a psycologist. At our last appointment a fortnight ago I was able to sit outside the clinic with the car door open and swing my legs round. Today my therapist wanted me to stand outside. She asked if I wanted her to come out with me as I usually did and I said no this time. So I stood outside and also she said about walking towards a tree in front of us and I did that too. She was happy with me for doing it and because I did it without her getting out with me.

After that we sat in the car and let my anxiety go down and we talked a bit, then drove back and parked outside my local shop. Last appointment I walked to the railings but this time she suggested I walk down a couple of steps. As there are some steps leading down to the shop. So I had a go on my own and then my confidence went a bit because there was a delivery man coming to the shop and also some other people so I went back to the car and waited until it was a bit quieter.

She asked me to try again and this time she came with me and I thought I'd be just going down a few of the steps but I got to the bottom. There are about 7 of the steps. So I was very nearly at the shop, I was so near the door. She asked me to go in, but I felt I'd done enough today and didn't feel able to manage that this time. But she said she was impressed with me and that i'd done alot today.

It also suprised me that I was hardly anxious at all on the drive to the clinic.

Take Care,


20-04-06, 13:35
Hi Heather,

Thats great news, you did really well, you have done alot today!
Im sure you will make it into the shop soon, but you are doing the right thing by taking little steps at a time, i remember been house bound for 2 years and taking little steps like you are,the local shop always seemed the hardest thing for me to do, but now i dont think twice about going into the local shop, theres no rush Heather you will get there.

Im real proud of you !

Hugs to you


20-04-06, 13:40
Thank you Andrea,

It does seem to be hard to get to the local shop. I'm determined to get in there again. :)

Take Care,


20-04-06, 13:41
hi heather.great to hear of ur progress well done you!!!!you stick at it and u will beat this horrible thing.take care luv mooxXx

20-04-06, 13:54
heather that sounds like real progress

one step at a time, its the only way

good on you


20-04-06, 14:38
Well done you.

I am not housebound and never have been ......
but I have been at the point where I have spent an afternoon at work in the toilet everytime I tries to come out I just had a panic attack!

It is hard to get out of the habit of avoiding things that make us panic.

So a very well done to you......keep up the brilliant work

Bet you feeling knackered now!!!!
Let us know how your progress goes

Hay x

20-04-06, 15:08
Hi Heather,

I have just read your post and i just wanted to say a big WELL DONE!!!

I dont suffer from that myself but i can imagine how hard it has been for you and you did really well.

Take care

Jo x

20-04-06, 15:29
well done heather, keep up the great progress, tc .. andrew

20-04-06, 16:17
Hi Heather, sounds like you are doing great, I know how hard it is to go places, at least you sound as if you are in control, well done and keep going, small and steady steps.xx

20-04-06, 16:23

Well done. Small steps and you will soon be making gigantic ones!

Great news.


20-04-06, 17:55
Thank you everyone :D

Take Care,


20-04-06, 17:58
Hi Heather

Hun im so proud of you well done that really great news. Told you we will crack this did'nt i. Oh im chuffed to bits for you i really am.


Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

20-04-06, 18:01
Thank you Alex :D

Take Care,


20-04-06, 20:13

Way to go girl, im so pleased for you, keep it up you will soon be taking harrods by storm


21-04-06, 00:34
Well done Heather. More solid steps and each step you take is one closer to where you want to be.

Give yourself credit for what you've achieved and keep up the good work!


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

21-04-06, 10:42
Thank you Keith and Karen :D

Take Care,


21-04-06, 18:17
Well done Heather i knew you could do it.

Remember pain is temporary quitting last forever

Winners never quit and quitters never win

Keep at it girl and you'll soon be down to visit me

MSN any time

take care


22-04-06, 17:47
Thanks Bobsy. :D I like both those quotes.

Take Care,
